Friday, January 30, 2015

Why I Bring Them Over

I bring them over
Because it’s good money

Because it’s good money
And I need it—the money

I grew up along the border
I know the terrain
And so it’s a job
It’s one I’m fit for, you know?

You do the job you can do
If you can make money on it
All the better

But not doing it because—

Because other people don’t like it?

Fuck them

They don’t pay my bills
They don’t keep my lights on
They don’t…

I bring them over
Because I’m good at it
I get them across
In one piece

I’m better at it than a lot of people who do it

It’s not fun
And it’s not easy
Even if you’re with somebody like me
Who knows what they’re doing
But some people get you across alive
And some people get you across dead

I get them across alive—usually

I don’t ask why they’re coming over
That’s none of my business

Sometimes they mention it
Not to me
But to the people with them
And because I speak a little bit of the language
I pick up words, phrases
But I stop short of letting myself start to think about
Why they’re doing what they’re doing

I think of it like how a doctor does
The more removed you are
The better you do your job

Some of them look sick
So maybe they’re coming over for the medical care
But I doubt it
America’s not the only place
With good hospitals
In fact, a lot of places have better

Some of them look scared
So maybe they live somewhere
That has a lot of crime
And they feel like America’s safer for them
Even though it probably won’t be

Some of them just look like they need a fresh start
And damn if I don’t get what that’s about
Damn if I don’t get that look myself sometimes

I bring them over
Because I feel like I don’t have the right
To tell them they can’t be here
But I can just because I was born in the back of a car
By the border
When my mom couldn’t get to the hospital on time

She could see the border
From where the car stopped
And she told me she was so glad
Even out there on the road
That I was being born
On the right side of the line

But that’s just luck
And circumstance
That isn’t something I earned
A privilege or an entitlement

So who am I to say
Where people should live
And have their kids
And escape to
If they want to

Personally, I think it’s a little naïve to think
That there’s never going to come a time
When people aren’t going to want to leave America
And head somewhere better

And when that time comes
I hope somebody brings my grandkids
Wherever they want to go
And I hope that person gets them there safely
And gives them a fresh start

And I hope that person gets paid for it too
And paid well
Because if it’s anything like it is today

Well damn

I just hope it isn’t

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