Tuesday, January 31, 2017

No One Knows Why They're Attracted to Me

No one knows
Why they’re attracted
To me

It’s the craziest thing

Women walk up to me
And they’re like—

They kinda cock their heads
And just stare a little bit

And I’m like—

I know, I don’t get it either

But there’s something about me, I guess

I used to think it was me not caring about shit
And that might still be the reason

But after years of not caring about shit
I have permanent
‘I don’t give a fuck’ face
And it’s intoxicating
To the vast majority of people

Plus I drink beers
And I drink them slowly
And I hang out at bars
Where they play country music
And I have a few scars
That could have come from knife fights
But are actually just from untreated acne
So all of that could contribute
To me getting laid
All the time

I wear denim
Lots of denim
And I talk about myself
As if I have a troubled past
When really
I’m just kind of boring
And I only know a few words
So talking isn’t my, uh, thing

I smoke, but not regularly
Only after sex
And my love-making has a steady
Yet uninteresting quality about it

I kind of just live and let live
That’s my whole philosophy to—

Pretty much everything

I grunt answers
Whenever I can
Especially ones
That have to do with
How I’m feeling
Or how my day was
Or what I think of pretty much anybody

Bartenders know me
And they know my drink order
--Again, just a beer
Nothing too fancy

If possible, I would drink a bottle of something
With just the word ‘Beer’ on it
And let that be that

A woman comes up to me—

I’ll buy her a drink
But only one
After that
She’s on her own

If she wants to buy me a drink
I let her

If she wants to take me home
I let her

If she wants to scream at me
Six weeks later
About how I put up walls
And don’t let anybody love me—

I grunt
And sometimes
She tries to kill me

But that’s how
Women are
With me

Women laugh at me
Even when I don’t say anything funny

I think it’s sort of that uncomfortable laughter
That comes out of you
When you know the person you’re talking to
Is going to make you fall in love with them
Just by allowing you
To project yourself and your dreams
Onto their person
Only to never love you back
And you won’t accept it
Even when they tell you—

‘Don’t fall in love with me’

Over and over again
Because it’s just not possible
Because you gotta love somebody
And it can’t be somebody
Who loves you back
Because what would be
The point of that?

…Oh, and I like salt and vinegar potato chips

I like ‘em a lot

And that about sums me up


You doing anything right now?

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