Saturday, June 8, 2019

Tony Hooper Graduates

Hi, my name is Tony Hooper
And this is my graduation speech

First of all, I want to congratulate everyone
Who’s graduating today
And the two kids who aren’t graduating
Because they brought that alpaca
To senior prom

I guess they’re mailing them their diplomas
Along with a bill for cleaning that hotel ballroom

That’s my first of all

Second of all, I want to say how weird it is
To look out at all of you sitting there
And know that this is the last time
We’re all going to be together in the same place
Now that social media has taken away the need
For reunions

Like my Mom always says--

If I want to know who lost their hair
Or got divorced
I can now do it from the privacy
Of my home

I’d like to say that I know all of you really well
But even being as friendly as I am
When I was looking through the yearbook earlier
I realized I somehow made it four years
Without ever getting a chance
To talk to some of you

Mea culpa for that

That means My cup sucks in Latin
Latin was one of the subjects I did not
Get an A in
But it’s also something you don’t hear a lot
Unless you hang out in monasteries
Which I won’t be doing
Because I’m allergic to silence

That’s my second of all

Part Fourteen--

I spent the past week
Trying to make friends with a kid
Who I’d never talked to before
And he didn’t seem to like it too much

He was polite at first
But then he told me
That he prefers being alone
And that he managed to make it
Through all of high school
Without anybody noticing him
And he didn’t want that to change
With seven days to go

It just goes to show you
It’s never too late
To learn something

Even though this school
Never taught me
How to do my taxes
Or put on a spare tire
Or raise kids
Or budget for a mortgage
Or purchase a sensible car
Or register to vote
Or make myself dinner
Or how to conduct myself during a job interview
Or what retirement is
Or what the proper way to converse with people is

Luckily I’m going into the entertainment industry
So I don’t need to know any of that stuff

I got a sweet internship
At a casting agency over the summer
So if any of you want to be in the first South Korean tour
Of Disney’s Aladdin
Just let me know

At least I learned
That some people
Do not want you
Showing up at their house
At 5am on a Thursday
Asking them to get donuts with you
Even if it’ll make you feel better
Because you didn’t even know their name
Until it showed up next to yours
In the yearbook
Which I guess also means
We sat next to each other in homeroom
But I didn’t go to homeroom that much
Because it was in that room behind the gym
That smells like my uncle’s deodorant

I really wanted to leave here
Super close to everybody
With all of you thinking
I was the greatest person
You’ve ever met
And never forgetting me
For as long as you live
But I guess that’s not going to happen

I made some really good friends
While I was here
And I probably won’t even talk
To some of them
In a few years

Thinking about that kind of stuff
Can make you sad

It makes me sad
Maybe it makes some of you sad too

But there’s nothing we can do about it
Because it’s in the future
And the only thing you have control over
Is the moment you’re in right now

So if it’s okay
With the principal
I’d like to take an extra minute
Out of the speech
I didn’t tell anyone I was giving
To ask that we all look around and just--

Just look at each other

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking at people
You think are your best friends
Or people you’ve never met before

Just look around

You can smile at people
If you want to
Or you can just give them a nod
Like the ones my dad gives guys
When he’s walking by them in the locker room
And they’re not wearing a towel
For some totally unknown reason

Just connect with the people here
Who’ve gone through time
In the same place
That you just did

Who are, whether you like it or not,
Linked to you forever
Even if it’s in the smallest way

There’s going to come a time
In our lives
When we’re all going to need to remember
That we belong to something
Greater than ourselves

And if the only thing we have
To hang onto is this moment
Right now
Then I think we should try really hard
To lock it in our brains
As best we can

So can we just take that minute?

. . . . .

Thank you

I’m so proud to be graduating
And I’m proud of all of you

Doesn’t matter how we got here
The point is--we got here


--And I really hope it’s okay
That I fed that alpaca my corsage

He looked like he needed it

More than I did

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