Friday, January 5, 2018


You can grieve into things
If you want to

Don’t grieve upon something
Grieve into it
Grieve through it

Grieve like you lean
Grieve like you’re falling
--Then catch yourself

Don’t grieve that hard though
It’s unbecoming

I’m not talking about, about
Public displays

I mean--
They’re really tantrums
In a way

We don’t feel any kind of way
About crying
When we’re young

We’ll cry on the floor
We’ll stamp our feet
We’ll throw shit
We don’t care

How wonderful is it
To just--
Lean into your grief
Like that?

You get older
And it’s…

Something else

I miss it, though

The, the--
Leaning into it

I miss being able
To do that

My older sister--
Never really knew her that well
We were too far apart
But one night she left to go to a dance
And she didn’t come home
And nobody told me why

My mother leaned into the grief
My father didn’t
And nobody knew
What the hell I was supposed to be doing

One time I didn’t eat
For three straight days
Just to see if anybody would notice

But everyone was busy
Doing something
And not doing something
And both take a lot of time
If you really commit to doing them
The right way

I remember watching my parents
Fall through that grief
And at the same time
I remember holding myself back
Even though a part of me
Wanted to fall alongside them

Not because I, I, I--
Missed my sister so much
Or anything
But because, because
It’s seductive, um
It, it--
Seduces you

It makes you stay in bed
It makes you, you
Snap at people
Say things
Mean things

It makes you hard
And sensitive
At the same time
Like, you can’t be touched
Or you'll, you'll--
You'll dissolve

It’s brutal

We don’t say that
That, that word
To talk about it
But it’s brutal

It’s a brutal thing

And you can’t resist it
There’s no point, no point
To, to, to that

You can’t lean back
That’s for damn sure

So you gotta kinda--

Go down into it for a bit
Go upon it
You know?

Lean up on it a little
And then--

Step back


Step back a little bit

It’s a dance you do
I guess

I don’t know

I'm no expert

But I know a lot


I’ve had to do it
Too much

Too much I would say

The part

The grieving part

My sister, my father, my mother
You know
At this point
It’s just about everybody

And so you lean
And you lean
And you lean
And you try, you try, you, you, you

You try not to fall

You try not to let it
Take you down

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