Monday, January 22, 2018

If It Turns Out You're Not Mine

If it turns out you’re not mine
I’ll try not to think of you
As ‘not mine’

It’ll be hard
But I’ll try
Because it won’t be your fault

It won’t affect the love
It really won’t
Because I’ve loved you all this time

So not loving you now
Would be like
Trying not to breathe
Or yawn
Or scratch my head

The love I have for you
Is integral to who I am
It’s what’s natural
It’s what I live with
Every day

I wouldn’t know how to—

I wouldn’t want to stop
Living with it

I always knew you didn’t look like me

Hard not to see it
Although people thought
I couldn’t

They thought I was stupid
Because I loved you so much
And yeah, love can make you stupid
But it won’t make you blind
Unless you want it to

Truth be told, you look like your grandmother
My mother, I mean
And I liked that even better
Than you looking like me

So I never really
Had a problem with it

It wasn’t until you got older
And you…

Well a person wants to know
Where they come from
--I get that

And I don’t blame you
For wanting to know
What makes you up

But I heard you talking
To your sister
About how I was going to feel about it
And I just wanted you to know
I don’t feel any kind of way about it at all

Not at all

It’s just that there’s something
To a person’s biology
That when they create—

Or they think they’ve created—
A, uh, another person

There’s something to that

And I’m a straight-shooter here
So I won’t lie to you
And say there’s not

But that’s just about
Planting a flag
Or the feeling like
Like you’ve—

Well, it doesn’t matter

I don’t really own you
Nobody does

It’s just something left over
From when I was a kid
And my dad thought we were
His personal property

I don’t want to think like that
And you shouldn’t either
When you have kids

Although I should tell you...

If it turns out you’re not mine
I’m going to know
When it was that your mother, uh…

I remember a night
This one night

Her coming to bed
After having been out
With some friends of hers

I remember putting my arm around her
And her crying
And me not knowing why

I'm not saying this
So you'll be mad at her

Sometimes people mess up
And it’s like a kitchen spill
It just goes on and on
And touches everything it can
Before you get a chance to clean it up

And sometimes a mistake
Is like a rock
With a diamond inside it

You think it’s something
That’s going to break apart
Your whole life and then—Pow!

This thing of beauty
This thing that—that—

That changes your life
For the better

That's what you are

I got you as a daughter
All these years
And I’m going to have you as a daughter
Until the day I die

Mine or not mine
It doesn’t matter to me

And just so long
As you keep calling me Dad

Truth is--
I don’t care if you’re mine
Just as long as I’m your’s

That’s all
I’ll ever want to be

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