Monday, January 8, 2018


The linoleum was gray
From all the smoking

Pickpockets coming in at 2am
And eating whatever’s on the stove

Big dog running around
Bumping its face into anything friendly

No security system
No alarms
Nothing to be worried about

Except the bad neighborhood
And the car outside that hadn’t moved in four days

Trying to see if it can spot a crime
Trying to make a case out of something
Fucking nosebag
Fucking scum

And all the while it’s Tuesday
And nobody knows it’s Tuesday
Because they’re laughing so damn hard
It’s like the weekend never got the part
Where it ends

Two newspapers with coupons cut out of both
And names circled here and there
Always obituaries
The announcements you thought you saw already
The people you thought died years ago

‘Didn’t he already--?’
‘Yeah, I think this is his third time’

A joke
But not a joke

Just something funny
Something to laugh about
Got to find something
To laugh about

Ashtrays are full
And nobody’s sure
Whose job it is
To empty them
So they don’t get emptied

That solves that problem

Someone keeps getting on the phone
With a woman who sounds pissed off about something
But nobody wants to find out what it’s all about
Because they’re having a good time
And chances are
There’s not much they can do about it anyway

Mind your business
That's the motto
That's how you live your life

This is a situation for shrugs and fuck-it’s
Smoke, and pretend you got nothing to do tomorrow
Because you’re going to be here all night
So you might as well enjoy yourself
And stop worrying

Can’t keep smoke detectors anymore
Because the smoke is in the walls now
It’s in the air
It's permanent

And who feels like hearing all that ding-ding-ding
Or beep-beep-beep
Or whatever-the-fuck

‘Whose birthday is it?’
‘This birthday card.  Is it somebody’s birthday?’
‘The fuck am I supposed to know?’
‘It’s on your table.’
‘Open it up.’
‘Nick who?’
‘Doesn’t say.’
‘Is Nick the one with the birthday or is Nick the one sending the card?’
‘I guess he’s the one sending the card.’
‘Well, it ain’t my birthday.’
‘Well, I don’t know.’
‘Yeah, well.’

It goes on like this sometimes
And sometimes it doesn’t go anywhere

Straight lines of smoke
Right into the cheap glass lighting fixture
That hangs low over the kitchen table

Crusted stains on the counters
The fridge
The oven

Just clean enough so there’s no mice or bugs
But nowhere near satisfactory

Then again, it might depend
On who needs to be

A little cracked television
Playing some sitcom
From the 1970’s
That everybody remembers liking

The volume on high
So everybody has to talk over it
But nobody suggests
Turning the damn thing off
Since nobody’s watching it anyway

Nobody goes in the living room
Nobody sleeps in the bedroom
Nobody sleeps at all

In a few hours, the sun’ll rise
And one by one
Everybody will fall off
To day jobs and coffee pots

Kitchens in other houses
And broken marriages
In warmer bedrooms

But somewhere
It has to be Tuesday

And it has to be
A certain kind of Tuesday
From a certain kind of year

Maybe 1993 or 2004
Or 2007
Or 2028

Somebody has to make a joke
And somebody has to laugh at it

And if there was a smoke alarm
It would go off

Even if there wasn’t
Any smoke

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