Saturday, January 27, 2018

Love and Interruption

We were midway through
The lovemaking
When the volcano erupted

The rumbling was, at first
Conducive to our activity
But then, we realized
That our lives were in danger

This thought
Only served to instigate our lust
And we carried on
Right there on the beach
While villagers ran past us
And tourists took photos

Not of us, of course
Although I suppose some of them
Could have been taking photos of us
It would have been hard not to
Since we were directly in view
Of the eruption

At that point
Lava was making its way
Down from the mountain
And my lover was biting my earlobe
In a way that smothers sound
And suffocates the desire to live
If living means stopping him
From doing that which gives me life

The roar of the volcano
Coincided with my roars of pleasure
And as boats were being loaded up
With those who make their lives
On the island
My lover smelled my hair
And rubbed sand
Into my neck

I thought to myself—

Is this how I die?

And then—

Would I care?
Would I really care
If this was how I died?

So many people die in situations like these

Bewildering situations

Where they try and try
To escape with their lives
Only to perish anyway

And their last thoughts are—what?


I wanted my last thoughts
To be of my lover
And his breath
And the whispered way
He says my name
When he knows
Only I can hear it

I didn’t want my final act on this earth
To be running

I wanted it to be there
Laying in the sand
Loving something
Loving somebody
Loving the sand and the surf
And the drums beating
Signaling that this was it

This really was it

Water and fire fell down around us
And as it did
I reached for my lover’s hand
Not so I could grab onto it
But because I wanted to squeeze it
Just once

Just to let him know I was there

That I had been there
And I would always be there

Until the fire burns all that’s left
And the waves are ready
To take me away

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