Monday, January 15, 2018

Shot in Training

You said he was shot in training

And he told me
You want me to believe
That nothing’s wrong
I don't trust you

Can I just ask--
Who taught you to give someone
But he thinks...
He thinks people are talking
I don't know anymore
That if you said that
That it wouldn’t be true
And that I should ask questions

So I’m asking questions
Like he told me to

And you’re telling me--

You’re telling me
That you have no idea
Why my son
Would tell me
That I’d be lied to
About all of that
But that he's a liar

That my son
Would lie to m
For no reason whatsoever

And you won’t let me see him

You won’t let me see him
And you’re telling me
He’s going to be fine
But I can’t see him
To know that he's fine

And you’re repeating talking points to me
Like I’m not smart enough
To know that they’re talking points
Instead of real

And I need you to know--

No, no
Please listen to this
I’m aware
I’m AWARE of the severity--

I’m very aware
And I don’t give a fuck

That’s what you need
To understand

Severity is--

It is nothing

Getting in trouble
Is nothing
Compared with--

My son didn’t tell me
He didn’t tell me
What would actually be going on--

Because it could be a lot of things
It could be--
But it would be something
That I’m not supposed to know about

So if that’s not it
If that’s not what’s going on
Then fine
But let me see him

Let me see my son
So he can tell me
That everything’s fine

That he’s going to be okay

Because, and I'm sorry, but--

I don’t trust you
And your--
And your--

Your fucking clipboard
And your desk
And your tie
And your folded hands

And can I--

Bad news?

Did you get training in that?

Was there training for that?

Because clearly
You skipped that fucking day

You skipped the day
Where they teach you
How to tell someone
Their son has been shot

My son
Has been shot

My son
Has been

He’s been…

He told me you’d lie

He thinks
Everybody lies

He thinks…

He thinks people are talking to him
When they’re not

He thinks people are mad at him
When nobody’s mad
When nobody’s saying anything

And nobody's ever talkin
We live alone
Him and me, we--

He thinks everybody’s talking
To him
All the time
And I…

I don’t know
Why you’d take him
Why you'd let him--

Why you’d even let him
Get this far

He told me
He told me on the phone
That you were watching him
That you’re watching everyone

He told me
What he thinks
You write down
On that clipboard

And he…

He told me
That if anything happens to him

He said it would be
My fault

Because I wouldn’t listen
Because I wouldn’t listen to him

Because I…

Because I never listen

Because I don’t know
When to listen
And when to tune out

I just don't

Because he said you’d lie
But he says--

He says…

He says


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