"I Ran Into Myself"
I ran into myself today
Did I tell you?
I looked away
Well, this was five years ago
Do you remember me five years ago?
The Dominic years?
Oh God
I wanted to shoot myself
But instead I bought myself coffee
I cried and I cried
It was really pathetic
I just wanted to slap myself
Because I won't leave him
I won't leave him for another two months
And I'm going to be miserable in the meantime
I'm going to drive away Ned
Do you remember Ned?
God, he was wonderful
One of my best friends
And now he won't speak to me
Because of Dominic
And the months of misery
I talked all about my job
The one I had five years ago
The filing
The endless filing job from hell
With the woman
What was her name?
I told myself
But now I can't remember
Do you remember?
I can't remember
She was the one with the nails
The lonnnng nails
I called her Freddy Krueger
But that wasn't her name
It doesn't really matter
But stuff like that bugs me
I'm not going to quit that job
Because I'll tell myself
I'm telling myself
I was telling myself
Over coffee
That I need a nest egg
And I'll sort of have one
For about five seconds
Until my car goes
Then there goes the nest egg
But I couldn't tell myself that
Because I was so fixated
On my plan
Oh God
Remember how I used to talk
About that plan
That ridiculous plan
I even had it written down
On Post-It notes
I used to fill up notebooks
With my plans
Plans everywhere
I had an apartment full of plans
Until I was evicted
Because I couldn't pay rent
Because of the nest egg depletion
Due to the car
That I couldn't give up
I got evicted
From my plans
It's funny now
But it wasn't funny then
I told myself
Over coffee
That it would be funny
But how do you convince someone
Whose crying
That what they're crying about
Is actually really funny?
I mean, how do you do that?
I ran into myself
And nearly knocked myself over
Part of me wishes I had
Because that's really what I needed
I needed to be knocked down
So that I could get back up
So that I could see that it was possible
To get up
And just feel that perseverance
That I won't know about
Until Dominic leaves
And the misery ends
Until then all I could do
Was buy myself coffee
And listen to myself cry
Admire how handsome I was
When I was fraught with worry
And determined to kill myself
I'm not as handsome anymore
But God it's good to be here
I just sat across from myself
And thought--
I'm glad I'm not there anymore
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