Monday, April 27, 2009

The Problem with Daughters

--  Romeo, Romeo  --

"The Problem with Daughters"

She loves him
She does
I can see it in her eyes
That mix
Of stupidity and grandeur

She adores him
And she loves
That I hate him
That we all hate him
It makes him more appealing

I told her father
I told her we should have smiled
We should have smiled
And pretended it was fine
Family feuds be damned
All we had to do was smile
And she should have lost interest

She does not like boys like him
Not normally
He's chubby
I don't mean to be mean
But he is
He's chubby
Who could be this in love
With a chubby boy like that?

Not my daughter
My daughter is gorgeous
Have you ever seen hair like that?
I would kill for her hair
She cut it once
When she was seven
I wanted to murder her
Destroying hair like that

Do you know what she told her father?
She told him
That they made love
Using only her hair
As a blanket

He threw up
All over the place
My poor husband
You can't say things like that to him
Let alone scream them across a room

The imagery hit him
Like a wave on the ocean
And up went dinner
All over the new carpet

My daughter's love
Made my husband vomit
No one can be happy anymore
It's true, really, it is

I could have NEVER
Said anything like that
To my father
Or my mother
Or anybody

I was never so comfortable
Talking about things like that
I never even knew
Things like that

Maybe I'm envious
Hell, of course I'm envious
My daughter is having sex
I can't even imagine
And with a chubby boy!
Imagine what she could do
With someone attractive

At least she has a talent
I'm a good hostess
That's my gift
But what good is it
When nobody will come to your house
Because your husband keeps throwing up
And your daughter screams obscenities
In the hallways

I should have had a son
Sons are so much easier
The problem with daughters
Is that they feel a natural competitiveness
With their mothers

Or maybe it's the other way around

All I know is
My daughter sensed
That I had no passion
In my life

So she went out
And destroyed her life
Making sure
That the only thing about it
That was notable
Was the passion

The irrational

Hold on a second...

That chubby boy is outside again
He's yelling something
Who knows what

She says he's a poet
I tell her you can't make money
As a poet

She tells me there's more to life
Than money
That's how I know she's crazy
Let her wash vomit out of carpet
Instead of having somebody do it for her
Then ask her how feels about money

He is a sweet boy
I have to say, he is
I can't lie about that

But there are so many sweet boys
There is a world
Full of sweet boys
Some of them svelte
And some of them
Are even poets

Not many
But some

. . . . .

I'm going to lose her
I'm going to lose her to sweet words
I'm going to lose her to poetry
To passion
To her rebellious nature

I'm going to lose here

That's the problem with daughters
You lose them
You have to lose them
And you don't know
If you get them back

Losing is a guarantee
Reclaiming them is not

. . . . .

When she was a little girl
She used to play magician
She'd make potions
Drink them
Then curl up and die

These big
Death scenes

And I used to feel a pang

I knew she was playing
But she was so good at it
So good at embracing
Something that terrified me

Her death
And mine, I guess

I hated when she played magician
Because even toying with the idea
Was too scary for me

Being her mother
Is like going on a diet
I keep telling myself--

Tomorrow I'll tell her it's okay
I'll tell her she can love whoever she wants
I'll tell her I understand
Even though I don't

I'll let her go

That's the problem, you know
The problem is I love her too much
Every mother loves their child
But I love mine too much

That's the problem
That's what's going to do me in

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