Tuesday, April 7, 2009

People I Can Ridicule

-- My mother always told me "Don't ever act like you're better than anybody.  You're the same as everyone."  My aunt, who I love, then took me aside and said, "Don't listen to your mother.  You're better than people.  You're better than skinheads.  You're better than KKK members.  You're better than stupid people.  Yes, you are better than some people."  I've always remembered that, but I've also kept in mind my mother's point of view.  After recent events, I've wondered to myself, who do I really feel I can make fun of?  Of everyone I know, I'm probably the LAST person who should stand in judgment of anyone, but if I had to make a list of people I felt I could make fun of and not feel bad about it, who would be on that list?  Since this is going in the Fiction blog, I decided to come at this from a character point of view.  I'll let Jackson speak for me, he is my evil twin after all. --

"People I Can Ridicule"

People who buy US Weekly
I'm not talking about people who read US Weekly
Or who scan it at the supermarket
I'm talking about people
Who actually spend money
On US Weekly

It doesn't mean I can't love 'em
But I can make fun of 'em

People who say 'Age is just a number'
Do you know when you say 'Age is just a number?'
When you're dating someone young enough to be your child
Or when you have caretaker issues
That you're coping with
By dating someone old enough to be your parent
All the rest of us feel
That age is, in fact
Not just a number

It doesn't mean I don't love you
It just means I can make fun of you

People who bring up the greater problems in the world
I'm aware there's global warming
I'm aware that there are war-torn countries
I'm aware that orphans are being sold into slave trades
And that North Korea is being run
By a stock character from Dr. Strangeglove

But sometimes
I still want to bitch
About my boss


It doesn't mean I don't know
It doesn't mean I'm not aware
It doesn't mean I'm all about me
It just means I can't always deal

People who don't smile
Why can't you smile?
Would it kill you?
The second you smile
You instantly become more attractive
Even if you have busted teeth
Take it from me
I have busted teeth
And I still smile

You don't have to be happy
But smiling says to the world
I am a person who can be approached
And talked to
And communicated with
And friendly

Sneering and rolling your eyes?
Not so much

So smile
And if you don't
I'm going to make fun of you
In a light-hearted way
In an attempt to get you to smile
Just poking fun
And if that doesn't work
I'll give it up
And that'll be the end of it


People who huddle around their group of friends
As if leaving an opening
Would allow for a new person to enter
And perhaps disrupt the utopia
That is a clique

People who act like they never left high school
People who equate looks with talent
People who say 'I don't read' and say it in a proud voice
People who can't say something
And stand behind it
With a name

Oh, and Anonymous
Is not a name

And to be fair
To make the ground even
I'll give you some ammunition
If you want to return the favor

I'm a nail-biter
I'm a fashion mess
I'm a gossip fiend
I'm a pop culture junkie
I'm a rehabilitating hypocrite
I'm a goofball
I'm loud
I'm stubborn
I'm blunt
And at times
I can be a downright asshole

But I can laugh at myself
When I'm ridiculed
The question is
Can you?

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