Monday, April 27, 2009

If There's a Ghost Here

--  Influence #15:  Ghosts  --

"If There's a Ghost Here"

If there's a ghost here
He can stay here
He don't have to go nowhere
I'm not scared
I'm not scared of ghosts
I ain't afraid of no--


You heard that before
Sure, that's okay
I'll just make some eggs
Let me know if you want any

If there's a ghost here
I hope he's handsome
I hope he's damn handsome
Because if I gotta live with a man
He might as well
Be a handsome man
Dead or not
No reason not to be handsome

I'm not above
Falling in love with a dead man
I fell in love with Swede
And he needed heart paddles
Every once in awhile
Not a laid back style
But more like a stuffed dog
Bug on a log
Couldn't be moved
To make love or fall in love
So I kept making eggs
And begging for attention
Till I got too tired to care

You listening to me?
You here?

I been here a long time
And I'm fine where I am
I don't give a damn
If you move spoons
Throw shit across the room
Groom my dog
Or scare the cat
That don't bother me

If there's a ghost here
I hope he'll sit
And have coffee with me
Been a long time
Since I sat and had coffee
With a nice friend
And since you're here
You might as well be pleasant
Plant yourself at the table
Let me talk for a bit
I don't got too much shit to say
But I'll talk anyway
Just cause it relaxes me

You'll get to like me
You'll see

So if there's a ghost here
Dear, you can stay
I'm going to bed
I'm tired
Been working all day
But it's nice to know you're here
Been needin' someone
Since Swede had to run
Used to just have the ghost of Swede
A secondhand ghost
That I didn't need
But now I got you
And you'll do
You'll do just fine

Plus you're all mine
My very own ghost

Don't that sound nice?
Well, if there's a ghost here

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