Monday, March 18, 2019

A Little Lamb

We’re never going
To hear the end of it

Vicky picks up a lamb
And the damn thing
Falls asleep on her
And now she thinks
She’s Amy Adams

I could kill
Whoever sent that video
Into the local news

How the hell
Does the local news
Spend ten minutes
On a video
Of a girl
Holding a sleeping lamb?

Aren’t there wars anymore?
Isn’t there famine?
Aren’t there better things
To talk about?

Oh, she is out of control now

Soon as someone came up to her
At the Denny’s
And said they saw her
And ‘Oh, you’re a celebrity, huh?’

And I know they think
They’re saying it
Just to be funny
But what they don’t realize is
She actually believes it

And it’s easy for them

They make their little comment
Make her smile
And then they go on with their lives

But we’re never
Going to hear
The end of it

She’s going to talk
About that damn lamb
From now
Until kingdom come

You know she’s saying
Maybe she’ll get an agent

An agent

Because a lamb fell asleep on her

She was wearing a wool sweater
The damn thing probably thought
Vicky was its mother

You know, just being on the news
Doesn’t make you a celebrity

Celebrities are folks
Who actually do things

Act in movies
Or sing songs
Or murder people

Not hometown girls
Holding sleeping lambs

Hell, if that’s all it takes
To be a celebrity
I’ll go down to Holworth’s Farm right now
And take a nap in the pigpen

Oh, she’s already
Changed all her profile pictures
To her with the lamb

She’s already posted
All the links
To all the stories

She’s done every interview
They asked her to do

And she’s already talking about how
Next year
She’s going to go do another video with the lamb
To celebrate the anniversary of the clip going viral

An anniversary of a virus
Have you ever heard of such a thing?

If I had known how this was all going to blow up
I would have grabbed that damn thing out of her arms
And put it right back in the pen it came from
Because this is all too much for me

All I want to do is sit in a Denny’s
On a Sunday morning
And enjoy my English muffin
And instead
I’m getting people coming up to the booth like--

I have to ask you something

Why is everybody
So easily impressed these days?

It is not 1944

You can get somebody
From New Kids on the Block
To send you a birthday message
For ten dollars
And people are going nuts
Over my daughter
Holding a lamb?

Everybody needs to get a grip
That’s all I can say about it

Everybody needs
To just get

And I’ll tell you something--

That’ll be the last farm animal she ever holds

As long as I’m alive
That’ll be the last time
My daughter does anything

Worth talking about

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