Monday, March 25, 2019

What You Think You Got Away With

Oh, I got away
With a hell of a lot

A hell of a lot

Not that I didn’t get my dings in

I got my dings
Believe me

Real ones

Ones where I thought--

Oh, I’m over
I’m done

But I wasn’t done, was I?

You know, they ask you--

They’ll ask you
What you’d say
To your younger self

And what I’d say to myself
Years and years ago
A whole lifetime ago is--

Are going to get away

I mean--

It is crazy
What I have gotten away with
When you really think about it

What does getting away with it mean?

It means that, you know
When you’re not getting away with it
You’re reminded all the time
That you did it

That you did something
You weren’t supposed to do

But then one day
Somebody else does something
They’re not supposed to do

And people, you know
They don’t forgive you necessarily
But they just--forget you

And through the process of forgetting
They do something better than forgive

They let you--

Get away with it

Whatever it is, you know?

But there’s a condition to that
There’s an agreement

And the agreement is--

Don’t you ever forget
What you did

That, sure, you can get away with it
But only if you remember
That from that point on
You ain’t shit, son

You are no better
Than the thing you did

And so one day
You get tired
Of being shit
And you decide
You want to make something
Of yourself

So you start to build something
Make something
Like I said

Try to take advantage of the fact
That you weren’t done
When you thought
You were done

And you think it’s fine
Because it’s been so long
Since you got away
With what you thought
You got away with

You think it’s old news
You think…

You think it’s ancient history

But nothing is

And in some ways
It’s a game

Or it feels like one

Where you lose--every time
Because the game is--

Don’t forget
You’re just someone
Other people allow to--

To, uh--

To continue
To exist

To be

And the minute
You try to do more?

That’s when they let you know

That’s when they let you know
That you didn’t get away

With a damn thing

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