Tuesday, March 19, 2019

It Always Sounds Like This

It always sounds like this

He’s trying to make the day go by
And pretty soon

Bong, bong, bong

Gotta go
Gotta go pray

Gotta go sit
And notice
The petals
Falling off the flowers
Or something like that

Then it’s silence
And I get the cooking done

Come up two miles from town
Don’t say anything to anybody
Just get to my work

My work is the cooking
And stocking the pantry
Making sure they have their canned pears
They go through ‘em like you can’t believe
Never knew monks or whatever they are
Liked pears
But believe me, they do

And the one I always see
He always looks bored

Always looks like
He’s just trying to get through the morning
Or the afternoon
Same as the rest of us

We don’t talk, obviously
I can’t talk to him
And he can’t talk to me
But we catch each other’s eye
Here and there
And then we go back
To whatever it is we’re doing

But I sense a restlessness in him
I sense a discomfort

I stir the soup for lunch
And from the window
I can see him out there
Practicing these moves

I don’t know what they are

Kinda look like karate
And kinda look like a dance

But there’s no music here
There’s no sound at all

Except for the bong bong bong
When it’s time to pray
And what you learn
Pretty quick around here
Is that the time to pray
Is always

They divide up the time
For other things
Like reading
And gardening
But really
All of it
Is supposed to be

I don’t pray myself

Not that I have anything against it

I just don’t like
Harping on my own thoughts
For too long

Seems like a waste of time

One night I left here late
Because I found mouse droppings in the pantry
And I had to clear the whole thing out
And see what could be salvaged and what couldn’t

By the time I left
It was pouring rain
And on the way out
This big hole in the road
Caught my tire
And popped it

Pretty soon
All the men from the house
Came running

They must have seen my headlights stuck
Or something
But pretty soon
They were all lifting up the car
One changed the tire
And the other held up an umbrella for me
While we stood off to the side

I felt embarrassed
Having that many people
Fuss over me

Especially people
You’re not allowed to thank
When they do nice things for you

I decided I had to break the rule just once
So when they were all done
And soaking wet
Before they headed back to the house
I yelled—

Thank you!

Most of them just smiled
And kept walking away
But the one man
The one I see all the time
He stopped and took my hands in his

And we just looked at each for a little while
Right there in the rain

Nothing romantic about it
I don’t mean that

Just two people
Wishing they could say something
And not able
To say it

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