Friday, April 12, 2019

If You Look at the Black Hole

If you look at the black hole
Slightly to the left
Of the darkest spot
Which is every spot
Is the name of your mortal enemy

The name will be spelled out backwards
So you’ll have to get a mirror
And then a magnifying glass
Because the name will be very small
And your vision is not what it used to be
When you were younger
And constantly hunting
For the source of your aggression

Time has scaled back your fury
And now you worry about your teeth
And your hairline
And that clicking noise your elbow makes
Every time you pick something up

But now you’ve been rekindled

The darkest spot
Has revealed the name
And next to the darkest spot
Is what appears to be an address
Written out in longitude and latitude
But, as you would expect, you’re not well-versed
In longitude and latitude
So you have to do some research
Before you can figure out
Where your mortal enemy is waiting for you

After reading several books
On the subject--

More than you probably needed to read
But what’s the rush, really?
And why take any chances?
And isn’t research fun?

--You figure out where your mortal enemy
Is hiding out
Or just living
No reason to assume
Hiding is what they’re doing

You’re not sure what the best way is
To travel to them
But if you stare at the black hole again
You’ll see the phone number
Of the last living travel agent
And when you call her
She’ll be able to give you a great deal
Five months from now
On the last passenger ship
That also doubles as a circus barge

Five months passes
Your daughter gets married
You have surgery on your elbow
Not for the clicking
But for something else
A family of squirrels moves into the tree
You have out in your front yard

Before you know it
It’s time to travel
To your greatest battle

Just to be safe
You look at the black hole
One more time
To see if it has anything new
To say

Sure enough
In the third darkest spot
There’s something written in Latin
And although you wish you had time
To read a book on Latin
And get a firm grasp on the language
Before deciphering the phrase
Your ship is leaving in the morning
And you have to move things along

The phrase--when translated
Reads as such

This is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done

You’re not sure why the black hole
Would have you do all this
Only to tell you
How stupid you’re being
So you assume that message is for someone else
And continue packing
For your big trip

When you arrive at the home
Of your mortal enemy
Several weeks later
Because ships seem to move slower these days
You knock on the door two times
And ring the doorbell once

Your mortal enemy answers the door
And you realize that they’re much shorter
Than you thought they would be

That thought delays you just long enough
For your mortal enemy to stick a knife
Deep into your right shoulder

The wound won’t kill you
But it does hurt a great deal
And you stagger into your mortal enemy’s house
To call an ambulance

‘The black hole sent you,’ your mortal enemy says
And you nod and try not to pass out

As you lay down on your mortal enemy’s couch
You realize that black holes
Are far more dangerous
Than you ever gave them credit for
And perhaps staring too long at one
Wasn’t the wisest idea

You’ve ever had

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