Monday, April 1, 2019

What Kind of Wrong

You know, I never expected it
To go viral

The photo

It was just this weird looking teddy bear
And then it, like, took off

Like people were making memes
It was crazy

Totally crazy

And, uh, so I took the photo
And now, uh, it’s got, like,
I mean, millions
Like, literally millions of people
Have seen that photo, so--

So now, um,
I’m basically thinking about
Like, what my message is
My story
Who I am
What my, um, brand is

Like, I’m thinking about all that

And, you know
Like whether or not
I should get an agent
Or just be my own agent
Or have my mom be my agent, you know?

I mean, you have to think about these things
Because, um, you know
I have momentum behind me now
But that’s not always going to be there

And while it’s there
I really want to make sure
That I’m doing the most
I can with it
You know?

And it just makes me really mad sometimes
That it doesn’t seem like
I’m getting credit
For taking that photo, you know?

Like, I found the teddy bear in the street
I took the original photo
And, like, captioned it
Although most people didn’t really seem to get
My caption
But the original photo was mine
And, like, right now
I’m not seeing any money from that

Like, not a dime

And I just don’t think that’s right, because, um
Like, a lot of people
Are enjoying that photo
And I’m not receiving, you know
Compensation for that
So, I mean, I just think that’s wrong

And I’d love to, I don’t know,
Be like, an ambassador or whatever
For, um, people like me
Who, um, have their work, like,
Basically, um, basically stolen
By, like, you know
The Internet

I just think there should be a response
For when things like that happens
Because right now?

I’m not even booked to, like,
Go on tv shows or anything

Like, not even on Ellen
And she’ll have anybody on

But her people haven’t even called me
And so I’m just sitting here
Metaphorically, I mean
I’m not sitting at this actual moment
But, um, I’m sitting here

Is this plagiarism?

...Or whatever?

I mean, I know it’s wrong
I know that
But what kind of wrong
Is it?

Because, like, everyone keeps telling me
That, like, it’s not a big deal
To just take a photo
And have tons of people share it
But, like--

Is it a big deal
To go on a talk show
And say something stupid
And have everybody freak out
And start putting you on t-shirts
And have you--have you--

Because that happened
To this girl I know

No, like really, it did

So what’s the difference?

Like, what’s the difference between--

It’s just timing

Like, at one time
I would have gotten
So much more attention
For taking that photo
And now--

Now it’s just like--

Oh cool

But people keep scrolling
And, like, nobody’s even paying attention to me

And it just seems wrong

Like, again, I don’t know what kind of wrong
But, like, definitely


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