Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Death on a Park Bench

If you like
I can come back

It wouldn't be a problem
I'm already rather busy today
And the paperwork
Getting you in
Is going to set me back a few hours

That means a one hundred and two year old man
Is going to get to experience
One more day
Which would be nice for him
Because he'd like to see the season finale of 'Law and Order: SVU' before he dies
Provided that there isn't a cliffhanger

The question is
If you know I'm coming back tomorrow
Will you waste your time
Trying to do something
To prevent me from coming back?

Because frankly
I don't feel like going on some wild goose hunt
To see if you're hiding
In a church
Or a hospital
Or in some public place
Where you think people will notice
If you suddenly drop dead
As if that would matter

As if it would matter
If they noticed

I don't care if they notice
They know who I am
And most of them will just be glad
That I was there to meet you instead of them

But yes, I will come back tomorrow
If you agree to be here tomorrow
Waiting for me

It'll be a lovely day outside
Much like it is now
And you can enjoy it
For an hour or two
Before I arrive

In the meantime, do what you like
But make it something good
So we don't have to do any of that negotiating tomorrow

I don't mind dealing with denial
But negotiating gets on my nerves

I suppose you could get a pizza or--


You're just going to stay here?

On this bench?

All night?

Well that's--

Well, I wouldn't recommend doing that

Well, because--where does that get you?

Clearly nowhere
I mean, you're on the bench now

Don't you want to do something
With your last day on Earth?

Don't you want to have fun
And go crazy
And live it up?

All right, all right

Normally, I wouldn't be this frank
But you're not leaving me much of a choice

You have to get up from this bench
And go about your life for the night
Because that's...

You see, I showed up a little...early

I'm not actually doing you a favor
By coming back tomorrow

I'm actually just covering my own ass
But I need you to get up
And go--uh--do things

Do lots of things
Do many, many things

Look, eventually you're going to have to get up from this bench
And when you do, you're going to do something
That is going to result
In you dying

Now when that happens
I'm going to come get you
And there's not much you can do about it

Well, yes I suppose you can just keep sitting on this bench
But you cannot sit on this bench forever, correct?

Am I correct?


You know what?

On second thought
I think I will just sit

It's a lovely day after all

Of course, it won't always be so lovely
And eventually, one of us
Is going to have
To move

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