Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Driving With Bernard

Oh Bernard, I do so love riding
In the car

Do the stilts fit you all right?

Well, I’m sorry, Bernard
But it was the only way
Your feet would reach the pedals

Why must you be so truculent?

Can’t we ever just go for a nice drive

So what if you can’t see above the steering wheel
We’re driving through the bad part of town anyway
It’s not like you’re missing much

I do wish you’d speed it up a bit
It’s not that I don’t enjoy a leisurely ride
It’s just that I’m supposed to be at the Philosophy Club by two
To give that lecture on sophiology

Of course I don’t know what sophiology is
That’s why I’m giving a lecture on it

I’ll make absolutely no sense
And the philosophers will be thrilled

They’ll think they’re too stupid to understand what I’m saying
And so they’ll applaud me
And ask me back again next year

When speaking to academics
One should never make sense
Otherwise they lose all faith in you

Once I’m done with my talk
I’ll appear positively theophanic to them, Bernard

Oh just look at all these buildings
And stores
And warehouses

I’m so glad I don’t work

How I’d hate to go to all these places

Like that carpet place

Imagine having to get up everyday
Knowing you’re going to be surrounded by nothing but carpet?

Waiting everyday
With baited breath
Hoping somebody walks in
Interested in purchasing
Carpeting for their home

And how much carpet can one really sell anyway?

I mean, eventually
Everybody’s house is carpeted
And then what do you do?

Close up shop
And open a pickle store?

Actually, I don’t think I’d mind running a pickle store
I do enjoy a good pickle

Bernard!  Did you bring the cucumber sandwiches
As I asked you to?

Really, Bernard
I ask you for the simplest things

Bring the cucumber sandwiches
Stop attacking the help
Don’t leave your monkey in the East Wing unattended

These are noetic requests, Bernard

Oh please, festinate

If I wanted to go this slow
I would have taken the rickshaw
But I was trying to be kind
Since I know your little legs
Aren’t what they used to be

The head of the Philosophy Club will be biting her nails down to the quick
She’s quite the flibbertigibbet

I would suggest that she give up running the club
And open a pickle shop instead
But I don’t want to give the poor girl
A nervous breakdown

Are there cucumber shops around here, Bernard?
I am so puckish

I could peck your eyes out
For forgetting those sandwiches

They’d better serve refreshments at the meeting
Otherwise I’m talking my nonsense lecture
And going home

I’m not lying, Bernard
I will make quite the callithump

You know how testy I get
When I haven’t eaten
Every five minutes

I have the metabolism of an African snake

You could feed me a zebra right now
And in two minutes
I’d be back down to my normal weight

It’s a blessing and a curse, Bernard

One that you clearly were not saddled with

Facts are facts, Bernard
Facts are facts


You nearly drove right past that lovely billboard
With the shirtless man on it
Without giving me a chance
To take it in

Bernard, my eyes are thirsty
They need visual sustenance

I don’t care if you can’t see
You should be able to sense beauty
Like a true artist does
Like I do

Your insouciance boggles the mind, Bernard
It truly does

I think I might be getting a migraine
As we speak

Oh Bernard, it’s too bad you can’t see the billboard
The man is in an exiguous state of dress

He’s wearing a bathing suit
Made out of nothing but white feathers

I believe it’s a billboard
For Larry’s House of Wings

God bless Larry, whomever he is

We should stop there on our way back, Bernard

I’ve never eaten a wing before
But if the shirtless man enjoys them
They must be delightful

Bernard, tell me you at least remembered
To pack my thermos

My eyes have been slaked
But now my throat
Craves relief


Why did I go to the trouble of milking the yak
If you were going to forget the thermos?

You probably forgot to put it in the cooler as well
Which means it will spoil

Yak’s milk is only good for an hour, Bernard

Do you know how many yak babies have died of stomach trouble
Because they waited too long
To suckle their mother’s teat?

You astound me, Bernard
You truly do

Perhaps if you hadn’t been so corybantic
When we left the house
We’d be better prepared
On this increasingly exhausting journey

Well, I suppose all I can do now
Is sit back and enjoy the scenery

If I die of starvation or excessive thirst
Be sure and tell that flittering Philosopher
That I had planned a glorious lecture
And that it’s your fault she and the others
Didn’t hear it, Bernard

Bernard, are you listening to me?

Did you put your headphones on?


Now you can’t see or hear

I’m being driven around
By Helen Keller

Well, if that’s how you want it, Bernard
That’s just fine

I live to make you happy

Just don’t forget to keep your seatbelt buckled

Safety first, Bernard
Safety first

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