Why don't you come upstairs?
You think you're going to do
Any good down here
Waiting for him?
Yeah, so you fucked up tonight
So what?
Some parents fuck up every night
And some of them are asleep right now
Not giving a shit
That their kid's pissed at them
Yeah, it used to keep me up
I used to spend an hour yelling at you
Send you to your room
Then spend two hours outside your bedroom door
Wondering if I should go in and apologize
I wanted to be cool
And have you love me
And respect me
And not wind up a bum
All at the same time
When you're a parent
You think you can have all that
When you're a grandparent
You learn you're lucky if you get any of it
You got a good kid
He'll come back
And he'll give you a hell of a sneer
And you'll want to smack him and hug him
And smack him again
For making you want to hug him
When you wanna smack him
It's a parental paradox
And it fucks you up
Don't tell me to watch my mouth
I watched my mouth for thirty years
I'm done watching my mouth
I don't drink
I don't smoke
Let me fucking swear when I want to
It relaxes me
When he gets back
Tell him he can do whatever he wants
You wanna know why?
Because he's gonna fucking do it anyway
Or maybe he won't
Maybe he'll get his head on straight
Before he does
But not if he's got your voice in his head
Telling him how it's going to be
That's not fortune cookie advice
That's good sound wisdom
From a cranky old bastard
Now come inside
And practice looking like you don't give a shit
So that when he comes home
He won't pull a stunt like this again
Practice looking like you don't care
Because, trust me
It's going to take a lot of practice
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