"You know something?"
"I don't miss the ocean at all."
"Nope. Not at all. Who misses it?"
"Do you miss it?"
"Well, yeah, kinda."
"What do you miss about it?"
"The sharks? Do you miss the sharks?"
"Um, well, no."
"The whales?"
"I sort of miss the whales."
"You MISS the WHALES?"
"I said 'sort of.' I sort of miss the whales."
"They were nice to look at."
"They used to eat us!"
"Not intentionally."
"What do you mean not intentionally?"
"They have large mouths. Sometimes we'd get swallowed accidentally. We don't really have any proof that they actually enjoy eating us."
"So you're saying you don't like being in an aquarium?"
"Compared to the ocean?"
"Christopher, we're safe in here. We float around. We encounter no predators. This is like winning the aquatic lottery!"
"But you don't miss all that space?"
"What do I need space for? If you've swam through one patch of seaweed, you've swam through them all."
"I miss squid."
"You MISS squid?"
"What else do you miss? Pollution? Fisherman?"
"I do kind of miss the octopi."
"We're going to die here."
. . . . .
"You know that right? You know that this is it. This is the end of the road."
"And, I mean, that's fine. It's totally fine. We're taken care of. We're appreciated. We're not going to be eaten. It's great."
"But in the ocean things seem possible."
"What things?"
"Just...things. You know, because...Because it's so big. It's so vast. So much is possible. And here..."
"We're comfortable."
"We're content."
. . . . .
"I guess, maybe...yeah."
"But it's okay."
"It's okay, because you're happy."
"Yeah, but--"
"And I'm glad you're happy."
"Okay, but--"
"Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's all in my head."
. . . . .
"I sort of miss the whales too."
"A little."
"But I'm glad I'm here with you."
"...Alonzo, I..."
"If I have to be here, I mean, at least I'm here with you."
"Same here, Alonzo. Same here."
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