Friday, August 30, 2019

Chickens in the Air

The chickens are nearing the clouds
When the thunder strikes

The chickens huddle together
In the space the basket provides

They’ve never ridden
In a hot-air balloon until now

One flaps its wings
And considers a jump

But the distance to the ground
Would surely kill it

Chickens can often be unintelligent
But rarely are they suicidal

The chickens cluck and fuss
But the thunder subsides eventually

As the balloon moves towards a mountain
They flap as hard as they can to catch a glimpse

Rock formations and cool mountain air
Are all they can take in before their ride sails on

The balloon should have gone down hours ago
But somehow it stays aloft

One chicken keeps to itself
Not wanting any part of the trip or its socialization

A drop of rain lands in the basket
Causing a commotion

But where is the rain coming from?
The thunder is long gone

On the ground, a farmer finds an empty yard
And a yellow square where his balloon used to be

A few miles away from him
A dog rolls an egg down a hill

The absence of a chicken
Is not noteworthy but it is noticeable

The absence of a ten chickens
Could be cause for concern

The balloon hovers for a bit
Over a small island in the Pacific

The chickens cannot possibly have traveled that far
But they hear the singing of a whale who they know lives far from them

At night, they try to enjoy the presence of stars
And the sound of cities sliding further and further away

When the heat from equatorial spots becomes too much
They flap at each other to create little windstorms

They are colleagues--whether they like it or not
And the only way they’ll reach home again is together

Ten went up
Ten will come down

But the balloon only seems to go higher
And the stars only seem to get closer

One chicken makes a wish on the moon
And the next day there are only nine chickens in the basket

Nobody knows what happened to the tenth
Or even which chicken it was

Each day after that
A different chicken goes missing

They all try to take turns staying awake in pairs
To prevent the loss

But when morning comes
They all wake up not remembering having slept

And there’s a single feather
Where a bird should have been

When the balloon finally lands
In a graceful descent

It does so in a field
Near Sussex

The farmer who finds it
Is nothing like the farmer back home

When she approaches the basket
She thinks she hears clucking

How ridiculous, she thinks,
My mind is playing tricks on me

Btu when she peers in
She sees ten feathers

And two perfect pearly

The farmer takes the eggs inside
And places them on her kitchen table

Not sure if she should crack them
Over a frying pan

And not sure
Why she shouldn’t

The eggs sit there for a few days
And on the tenth day

A crack splits each one
Down the middle

And the farmer wonders
What will come out

Knowing it should be one thing
But it could be something else


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