Monday, July 29, 2019

The Armory

I always tell myself
That I get depressed
Around this time of year

But it’s always
Whatever time of year
I’m in right now

I’m always depressed
And I tell myself
It’s time of year

I used to tell myself
It was location

My family used to live
Down near Manton Avenue
And then I moved
Over by the Armory
Right after I got married
And I’ve been here ever since

Drove my husband nuts

Why can’t we live up in the woods?
Away from people?
I hate being near all these people

He got so sick of hearing me
Bitch about it
That he took off three years in
And I haven’t heard from him since

Got sick of me being unhappy
And didn’t know how to make me happy
And probably thought to himself--

Shouldn’t I be making her happy?

But he couldn’t
And it wasn’t his fault

I used to say--

It’s this state
It’s Providence
It’s where I’m at

But then I took a trip
Down to Florida
For a week
And I missed home so bad
I thought I was going to bust
And that was even more depressing

Came home and started to think--

Maybe it’s summer
I get sad in the summer
It’s probably summer

But then summer would be over
And I’d be in even worse shape

Thinking about how
Everyone was moving on
Going back to school
Sending their kids to school
Making plans
And I was just sitting in my house
By the armory
Watching it all happen
From my window

Sunday afternoons were the worst
Used to sleep through most of them

Winter would come
And people would say--

Oh, it’s seasonal depression

But what if it’s every season?
Then what do you call it?

Just depression, right?

Or something worse?

Spring wasn’t so bad
I don’t mind it
Except for that
It reminds me
Summer’s coming

Lately I go for walks
And that helps a little
But I don’t know why

Maybe it’s the exercise
Or the fresh air
Or just because it’s something
I think I’m supposed to be doing

I walk past all the houses
And I hear people talking
Cause their windows are open
Or I see people working on cars
Or riding bikes
And I feel like there’s nothing much
Going on in the world
That I’ve been missing
And that makes me feel okay
Until I get home
And double lock the door

I see all this nice stuff
And then I lock myself
Away from it
And I don’t know why

It’s all about knowing why
Or not knowing why

That’s what takes you
From low-level sad
To outright despair

The not knowing
The not knowing what it is
Inside you
That’s broken

And how

It got that way

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