Monday, January 27, 2020

Lost on a Map

I had all the places in front of me
And I was lost

I had the names of the countries
The cities
The places that were available to me

All these locations
And I could go anywhere

It felt…

It felt like an old song

An old song with lyrics
About freedom
And how it’s a trap

There I am
With everything I need
To be the next person

All my life
I’ve been this person
And I saw everyone around me
Going to the next
And the next
And the next

This time I wanted to be the next

But all this time
I was under the map
Looking at the underside of oceans
Reaching up to touch
The bottom of continents
Sure that when I got up there
I would know exactly where it was
I needed to go

And now…

I take a step
I fall off the edge

I take another step
I’m back on the curve
Right before the sunlight hits it

I take one more step
And I’m back where I started

It’s that thing
Where you think
There’s a wrong road
And a right road
And really
There’s no road at all

Your feet touch down on gravel

No signs
No arrows
No indication
That you’re walking
Into the darkness
Or towards the light

I hear a car coming towards me
Then it’s a train
Then a pair of feet

Feet on sand
Which you can’t hear at all
But you can see the footprints
Near you
And away from you

I find a mountain
I find a lake
I find a cluster of houses
Where dinner is being served
And nobody thinks there’s much
To think about
Beyond their cul-de-sac

There’s nothing about me
That’s very large

I could get lost
Just about anywhere

Even with everything
In my favor

Sometimes the more you give
People like me
The more we find to lose

I’m the one you step over
And step by
And step around
To get where you’re going

There’s no reason
There’s no reason I can’t do it too
But no matter how many reasons there aren’t
There’s still a block
There’s still an obstacle
There’s still something
In my way

I thought it was as simple
As what you could access

I never knew that it still comes down
To what you’ve got behind you
That you need to move on from
That you need to leave
That you need to not need anymore

I take a step
I’m still...

I take another step
I’m still…

I take another step
And the light hits the curve
The day’s over
And I have to decide
What to name
The place
In front

Of me

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