Monday, November 29, 2010


Now repeat after me
You dumb motherfucker


They're called Sprinkles

I don't give a shit where you're from
You know what they're called
Just as well as I do

You're just calling them Jimmies to be a fucking cocksucker
And you ain't in Rhode Island
So there aren't any gayass cocks for you to suck out here

You got me?


Say it

Say sprinkles

Water fountains
Remote control

They're called the same thing everywhere

The sky isn't the sky some places
And blue tarp other places

It's the fucking sky

Sorry if your bassackwards state
Wants to have little fucking colonialisms
For every fucking thing

But when you're in the real world
You call things by their right name

And this shit is called sprinkles

You know how they probably got started calling it Jimmies?

Some kid who got ice cream
With sprinkles on it
Probably got mugged and killed
By some guy named Jimmy
And the guy was probably from Rhode Island
And now all of you assholes call sprinkles Jimmies
Because you like turning shit you should be embarrassed about
Into shit you're proud of

Like refusing to drive more than ten minutes at a time
And electing the same assfucking dipshits into office year after year

Why don't you just change the name of your state to

'Rhode Island--Proud to Be Fucking Stupid'


No response?

Okay, well let me ask you again then

What do you want on your fucking ice cream?

And this time I want to hear you say it right?

So what do you want, huh?

. . . . .

Sugar mud?

What the fuck is sugar mud?

...Hot fudge?

You son-of-an-ass tickler

What do you think you're Webster the Dictionary
Just making up shit like that?

I'm going to give you some sugar mud

Then you're going to eat it
Right in front of me

Then let's see how fucking cute you think you are

Benny, hold my scooper

I'm going to give this llama fucker
A free trip back home to Rhody

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