Hey Mitch, you see that guy over there?
I would kill him
For a Klondike Bar
Yup, I would
I would do that
But I would not scale a mountain
No fucking way
You die on mountains
That's what happens on mountains
You die, and mountain goats eat your fucking nose
Everybody knows that
But I do want a fucking Klondike Bar
Like real bad
Like I gotta have it, man
I'd sell my fucking sister for a Klondike Bar right now
Nah, I wouldn't sell her to anyone mean
Maybe just a blind guy
Who needs somebody to read to him
Something like that, you know?
Nothing crazy
Jesus, dude
Are you hot?
I'm fucking hot
I need a fucking Klondike Bar bad man
I need something to cool me down
If I go kill that guy
Will you get me a Klondike Bar?
Don't fuck with me, man
I'm asking you a real question here
What if I told you the meaning of life?
Would you do it then?
How the fuck do you know whether or not I know the meaning of life?
You don't know
I could fucking know it
You didn't even know about the fucking mountain goats
I could have just saved your life, man
Hey, do you want to buy my sister?
She'll read to you
Turn the pages and everything
Dude, I'm fucking dying here
You gotta help me out, okay?
I just need one bar
Not even a whole bar
Just a half a bar
Come on, man
Just get me one bar
I'll fuck that guy up, dude
You were looking at him like you don't like him
I can take care of him for you
What do you mean he's a fucking barber pole?
Jesus, I was wondering why that asshole was dressed like Where's Waldo
Well...I'll fuck him up anyway!
Just for a Klondike Bar, man
I'll give you everything I own
That I haven't already sold
To pay for my Klondikes
Forget my sister, bro
I'll read to you
I'll read you whatever you want
Just please, man
You don't even know, dude
You don't even know
What I would do
For a Klondike Bar
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