Monday, July 9, 2012


Most people refer to the twenty-seventh season
As the godless season
Because that was the season
The Orpheus Theater
Only did

I guess Mr. Powers, the Artistic Director
Thought it would be a good idea
Because musicals make money
--Even bad musicals

So that’s what he did:

A year of bad musicals

It started with Gypsy
Which, by the way
Is a really easy musical
To do poorly

All you have to do
Is find the worst leading actress in the world
And then give her the hardest part
In American musical theater

Her name—was Sheila

Just Sheila

Like Cher or Satan

Sheila was all she needed

And I played her Baby June

I was younger then
And perkier
And I hadn’t started dying my hair black

Sheila sucked the youth out of me
Like a bee sucks pollen from a—

Oh, I don’t know
I flunked science
Because my mother homeschooled me
So I could audition for that show ‘Kidz 2 Kidz’
Seventeen times

The point is, Sheila was a nightmare

She threw temper tantrums
She didn’t know her lines
And one time, I was napping backstage
And she cut off most of my hair
Claiming that I was trying to take her role from her

She thought everybody wanted her role
Me, the girl playing Louise
The guy playing Herby
And most of the box office staff

But the worst thing of all
Was that when the show opened
Got great

Because make no mistake about it
When somebody is that awful
The only thing worse than them destroying a show
Is having them sell a show

And that’s just what she did
She sold that show

When it was all over, the director had to be hospitalized for exhaustion
And I gave up theater forever
But Sheila immediately went onto her next engagement—


What else, right?

I’d like to say I had a nicer time
Working at the Orpheus
But the thing is
From what I hear
That was always sort of what it was like there

The crazy people were good
So the crazy people got rewarded
With great roles
And once they’d destroyed everybody else
They just kept right on going

Who knows—

Maybe it’s not just the Orpheus

Maybe it’s like that everywhere

I never stuck around long enough
To find out

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