Monday, July 16, 2012

The Soapbox Play

Everyone did them
After 9/11

The Soapbox Play

Suddenly the world was different

Not just because we were fighting terrorists
But because suddenly every playwright
Was an expert on foreign policy
And Eastern religion

All of them had the same theme:

The President is an asshole
Muslims are great people
And 9/11 wasn’t really 9/11
It was something else

It was a symbol
It was a metaphor
It was a paradigm shift

Well, I mean, it was that

It was also planes flying into buildings

I mean, we saw them
I saw them

I was just seventeen
And I saw my whole future
Just change, you know?

Like, whatever it was going to be
Regardless of what it was going to be
Now it was going to be something different

Fuck, I’m not here to tell you about 9/11
Jesus, who wants to hear about that?

Thank God they stopped writing plays about it
Or at least, plays that people actually feel obligated to see

I graduated from high school
And got a role at the Orpheus Theater
In one of those soapbox plays
That I won’t even say the name of
Because you shouldn’t even look it up
It’s that terrible

And, you know, this really has nothing to do with my politics
Because I’m not liberal or conservative or anything

I was born in the 90’s
So I vote for whoever’s going to let me smoke pot
And not the tax the shit out of me

The thing about that play that drove me nuts
Was—we’re up there, supposedly in character
But really, just facsimiles of these, like, ideas
About, you know, terrorism and shit
And the audience is nodding at us
Like, Hmm, yes, that is true
War is bad

And I’m thinking—

I know kids in war
Like, I have friends
Who went to war

None of you fuckers have kids in the war
Because if you did
You wouldn’t be sitting in some air-conditioned theater
Listening to some British playwright
Lecture you on how awful you are

Because people who have kids in the war
Aren’t really concerned with politics
Or theater
Or any of that shit

They’re just concerned with their kids not dying

If they vote Republican, it’s because the Republicans are telling them
They’ll stop their kids from dying
If they vote Democrat
It’s for the same reason

If they’re sitting in a theater
Nodding nodding nodding
At the bullshit they’re being fed
So they can go back to their East Side apartments
And regurgitate it
Into each other’s mouths
Like fucking baby birds
Then no
They do not
Have kids
In the war

THE war—God, listen to me


I mean, we were preaching to the choir, you know?

What’s the point?

We should have done that show in Georgia

Then we would have been making an impact

We also would have gotten our asses kicked
But oh well, right?

Isn’t that better than doing theater
For the nodders?

For the ‘Yes, we agree and we feel so guilty for being rich’ crowd?

I mean, that’s not theater, right?

You wouldn’t call that theater

Man, I was glad to get off that fucking soapbox

At all those people
Paying money
To tell them
That they should be feeling guilty
About all the things
They were already feeling guilty about

I felt like saying—

‘There’s so much to feel guilty about that you don’t even know about.
That we all don’t even know about’

You know?

Nah, you don’t know

How could you right?

How could you?

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