Thursday, July 19, 2012


I come back to the theater
After a few years away
And this woman’s running thing
Which is fine
I’m fine with women

But this woman looks at me
And suddenly I’m her enemy

Because she’s got a Board full of men
Turned against her
Because the theater’s turning in awful numbers
And she’s got every guy in the acting company
Offering to take her job from her
So she sees me
And she thinks
One more man
I gotta worry about

She tosses me Laertes in Hamlet
Because the Board remembers me
And likes me
Hell, everybody liked me
I was a pretty decent guy
And when the show was over
So was the thirty-eighth season
And so was her job

I see her cleaning out her office
And I offer to buy her a drink

She says ‘What the hell’
And we go get a drink

Three hours later
We’re back at my place
Screwing like two people
Who’ve just been told
They’ve got ten minutes to live

It was an interesting experience

Afterwards, we were sitting on my balcony
Wrapped up in bedsheets
Starting at this fucked up little town
And I said—

‘Let’s get out of here’

She was about to say a thousand things
And instead she just said ‘Yes’

We moved to New York
We were there that Fall
On the eleventh
When all of a sudden
All of our spontaneous plans seemed…

Well, spontaneity in general started to look…pointless

And as a mover
I like to move
And when you can’t move anymore
You think, Well, I might as well
Go back where I started

So I went back to the Orpheus
And Cara stayed where she was

I haven’t talked to her in ten years
I still act
But mostly I build
Sets and shit

So why am I telling you all this?

I don’t fucking know

We all came here
To get something off our chests, right?

Either about the Orpheus or the acting company
Or about theater in general

Why we do all this

Sometimes I look back and I mark time
Using shows

It’s not ‘That’s when I moved home’
Or ‘That’s when I met Cara’
Or ‘That’s when the planes hit the building’
Or ‘That’s when I became a fucking coward’

It’s ‘That’s when we did Hamlet

It’s so easy to move from one show to the next
And pretend you don’t notice
That your whole life is going by, you know?

Take this job
Take that job
And pretty soon

You’re at some party
Talking all about the past
And thinking it wasn’t so long ago
When it really was

Where’d it all go, you know?

Where did

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