I lose the money by having the store stay open all night
No question about that
None at all
When I decided to go twenty-four hours
People told me the area wasn't right
Too suburban
Too quiet
Not the late-night shopping crowd
But I live in this area
I know these people
I knew an all night store was...necessary
Not because people need milk at 3am
Nobody does
Very few people need milk and don't already have it
That's been my experience anyway
People need plungers in the middle of the night
When the toilet clogs somehow
And they have work the next day
And suddenly it's like--
'Don't we have a plunger? How the hell do we not have a plunger?'
So I always have a plunger ready to sell
And that's usually the only thing that ends up being bought
During the overnight shift
I started staying open all night
Because people need a place to go
When they need to think
When life gets...you know, when it's life
Nobody gets into an argument
At a convenient time
Nobody's worried about keeping their house
At a convenient time
Nobody just heard their kid sneak in on a school night
Through her bedroom window
At a convenient time
So now there's a place where they can go
To buy some extra milk
And just walk around some kindly-lit aisles
Consider buying cheap salsa
And a candy bar
And then sit in their car for a little while in the parking lot
And wonder whether or not they should go home
Or just keep driving
To Florida
Or wherever
That's why I have an all-night store
For those inconvenient moments
No, it doesn't fiscally benefit me in any way
But it helps my neighbors
And that's important
If you're a business owner
A small business owner
In a small town
It's not just about the business
It's about being a part of the community
Some nights nobody comes in the store
Between eleven and seven
But at least they know they can
At least they know it's there if they need it
We used to have church for stuff like that
But this is the new America
Churches have been replaced by the school supplies aisle
All those pretty notebooks
And fancy pens
Just waiting to be used
It comforts people
And comforting people who need it?
You can't put a price on that
You really can't
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