Thursday, October 4, 2012

This Picture of Us

You send me this picture of us
Like I'm going to know
What to do with it

What is it
You want me
To do with this?


Do you want me to remember something?
Do you want me to relive something?
Do you want me to forgive something?

Because all I see is something I don't remember
Smiles, laughter, good times
They're hard, you know?
They're hard to remember

That's why people take pictures
Of the good times
Because those are the moments
You need help remembering

You don't need any help
Remembering when you felt like shit

Remembering when you cried your eyes out
Or you broke your arm
Or somebody broke it for you, right?

You don't think I'll need help
Remembering all that?

You in some kinda better place now?
Where you can look back on the past
And it doesn't make you
Fucking cringe?

Well, good for you

I'm not there yet

Not even close

So don't show me a picture
And think that somehow blankets
The majority of a lifetime
A lifetime of shit
Under this one big white cloud
Where it can be calm and peaceful
And everything's water under the bridge
Because it doesn't work that way
And even if it did, or it might
It sure as hell wouldn't work for you

My bones remember you
Do you get that?
My skin remembers you

The parts of me that can forget you
Are few and far between
And everything remembers you
Like you're a stone on top of me every night

So don't send me a fucking picture
Unless you want me to burn it
So I can send you the ashes, okay?

Is it a nice photo?
Yeah, it's a nice photo

But is it us?
Is it us in that photo?

Doesn't feel like it

Doesn't feel like that at all

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