Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Hollow Places

I don't know what to say about him
Just that he fills up all the hollow places

You know, you get married
I've been married
Did I tell you that?

Once or twice
Depending on who you ask

The second wedding was sort of hush hush
I thought, Okay, let's see where this goes
Turns out it didn't go anywhere

I don't blame myself for that
I don't blame him either
I sort of...closed myself off
But I didn't know I was doing it

I went around feeling so fine, you know?

That's the dangerous spot to be in
To think you're fine
When you're really a big mess

I kept getting into arguments with people
Snapping at them
Always in everybody's face
And I thought--Well, this is confident me
This is the me I'm supposed to be
This no-nonsense, take-no-bullshit bitch
Who just says and does
Whatever she wants

Finally, I'm tough

Then I meet him
And I feel...vulnerable

Although that's a fancy word for it
It's really just that I'm soft

All of a sudden, I'm soft again
Like I'm a kid
And it's...scary

I'm suddenly aware
Of all these places inside myself
That I let get emptied out

Like a house that was once beautifully furnished
Suddenly I'm looking around and realizing
That I moved out, checked out
A long time ago

It's like I was sitting in an empty room
On the floor, uncomfortable
Thinking it was cozy or something
And then he came along and...

Suddenly there's a chair
There's a place for me to sit
I belong somewhere

I feel all this space filling up
With, like, a future for myself

That's what he did
He took the hollow places

And made them a home

Impressive, right?


I thought so too

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