Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Watch What You Say

-- How They Dance in Wonderland (Pt. 3) --

"Watch What You Say"

He puts me to sleep with his nastiness
Tucks me into bed with his harsh glares
Rude words
Rough comments
Criticism on my physique

It used to be news to me
Now it's all back page
My rage has settled into mere disdain
For this man I love
I get used to the pain

I used to be
Shaken awake
By his cruelty

But now
It's just boring
It's boring me
To more than just
A room full of tears
And no view
That I can see

I can take being shaken
But I can't take being bored

And I'm floating above you
Trying to see if I can see the floor
From the mess you brought in

From the cheap carpet
From the cheap perfume
Of the girls you're nicer to

What did you think I would do
Once I finally started believing you?

Believing I should go find someone
To put up with my tears?
My crocodile tears?

Tear myself away from hands
Pushing at me all day

Maybe next time you'd better
Watch what you say

Your persuasive manner
Pervaded my jaded guise
And made me realize
There are other guys
With crueler words
Than yours

Heard the calling of a state
Of falling down a hole in the ground
The sound of a bottomless hurt

'Cause see
I hit your bottom
And you know you hit mine

And the time's finally come
To drum up some new hits
From that bottomless pit

I can't wait to get there
And never get there
And hear you calling things
Down at me

All the way down

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