Well, you know, Sandy
I talked to Scoops
And he's--
Well, he's actually sitting right here with me
And I think he wants to say something to you
About scratching you when you came over last week
. . . . .
Did you hear that?
He meowed
That's how you know he's sorry
Oh, Sandy
He's been torturing himself over it
He can't even look at himself
When he walks by the little mirror I bought for him
Ohhh, I'm just sitting at home with him tonight
Tuesdays are our bonding night
We play checkers and I make him a casserole
Ohhh, I couldn't
He'd be so upset if I disrupted our routine
Plus I'm just sitting here in my jean shorts
No, I wasn't gardening
I actually just went to visit my stock broker
Apparently I had another good day at the metaphorical market
Oh Sandy, I can never sort out what he's saying
Yakkitty yakkitty portfolio yakkitty yakkitty billionaire by the time you're sixty yakkitty yakkitty why do you smell like haddock?
It's always the same thing
Hang on a sec, Sandy
Scoops, we're not ready for checkers yet
Wait until it's six o'clock
And don't eat any more of the pieces
I don't like spending my whole night looking at your behind
Waiting for a refund
He's getting older, Sandy
And it's breaking my heart
That's why he scratched you
It's the dementia settling in
Remember when it happened to Scoops #1?
Towards the end
He wouldn't even let me
Put him in his parka anymore
You hate to see them get like that
My stock broker keeps telling me I should buy an iguana
Or something that lives longer than I do
Since I always seem to have such trouble
When the cats die
But I tell him if I wanted a cold-blooded monster
With an abnormally long tongue hanging around
I would have kept my first husband
Hahaha--Okay, time to go
I have to put the casserole in the oven
And set up the checkers game
I hope that scratch wound starts to clear up pretty soon
But if it doesn't, I would suggest going to see a doctor
Scoops has been helping me clean the bathroom lately
And I can only imagine the germs that have been clinging to his little claws
Have a nice night, Sandy!
Scoops! Come say goodnight to Aunt Sandy!
Sandy? Hello?
It's all right, Scoops
We'll call her before bedtime
Now, do you want to be black or red?
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