We wake up hung-over
Recollecting our activities
From the night before
We compare and contrast
Our notes on the evening
Make coffee and toast
And roast each other
For stupid shit
That one of us remembers
The other one doing
We compile memories of bad behavior
And apologize via text message
To everyone we offended
We get ready
And eat
And update Facebook
And go to work
But mostly we get drunk
We go back and forth
About what we're going to do tonight
Plans are made on breaks and lunches
Can you pick up alcohol for pre-gaming?
Can you do the dishes so we have clean glasses?
Who's going out with us?
Who do we still hang out with?
Who cares?
Let's just go
We'll have fun either way
We watch the day crawl by
While we wait to get drunk
We go out and start slow
Tell ourselves we'll be classier tonight
Not spend as much money
Not make as much noise
Not be those guys at the bar
That make other guys drink less
So as to avoid winding up like
The guys we say we won't be tonight
We make promises to keep old promises
But mostly we get drunk
We trip and fall into each other
And neither can hold the other up
We slap each other across the face by accident
Then on purpose
We get in each other's faces
And cry until our tears
Go from salty to sweet
We stumble onto city streets
And mix ourselves up
With homeless people
And lost souls
We dress nicer than we feel
But mostly we get drunk
We wake up in bed again
Not sure how we got there
Not sure how we got home
We say 'I love you'
But it comes out sounding wrong
It comes out sounding like something else
We fall asleep and say we're okay
Because there's someone staring back at us
With the same sad eyes
With the same pale skin
With the same cracked lips
Lips we can't kiss
Or else they'll start to bleed
So instead we just sleep
We say we're perfect for each other
We say we'll never leave
We say we're young
And this is what young people do
But one day we'll tell ourselves the truth
And the truth is that
With everything we do
We mostly just fall
And get up
And look forward
To falling again
Harder and faster next time
Staying down
For longer amounts of time
We always get up
But mostly
We look forward
To the fall
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