Kendall's party was last night
And she had the girl there she's seeing
Who's from here, like, lives here, born here
Raised here, FROM here
Not even in the art department
Not even a student or anything
Just like, you know
An everyday run-of-the-mill lesbian
Who just happens to live here
And be from here
And you know, it's like
Kendall, you want to be a lesbian, great
It's all part of the new piece she's doing on sexuality
And we're all really excited
Because she's making breakthroughs
And the shots of her genitalia hanging up in her apartment
Are really quite beautiful and--and I've never said this about a vagina
--Totally haunting
Like, I was haunted by Kendall's vagina
And it was fantastic
The thing is, I think she's sleeping with this girl
This lesbian, who's like, from HERE
Because that seems dirtier to her
Like it seems forbidden
To be--
Like, do you understand
Why, for the most part
We, like the people in the program
Like, we hang out together
I mean, like, in the five seconds
When we're not working on whatever we're working on
And we don't usually venture outside of, like
For lack of a better term, the 'We'
And it's not because we think we're better than the people here
Like, that's not it at all
And James jumped all down my throat
When I tried talking about this with him
He was like--Oh my God, you're such an elitist
And I was like--I'm not being elitist. I'm saying we don't interact much
With the people who, you know, LIVE here
Because we don't
We don't live here
I mean, we're studying here
We're in school here
None of us plan on staying here
So, like, this is all really temporary
And I just think it's dumb
When people act like it's not
Like, why start a relationship
Even a bullshit lesbian one that's just for art
Like, why start that
When you know that you're headed in totally different direction
I mean, we're all second years
It's not like we're first years
And she's got three years with this girl
Like, this semester is almost over
She's basically got a year and a half
Do you know how quickly
That's going to go by?
I just don't see the point
That's why I don't interact
With people from here
Because I don't want them, like
Falling for me
Then getting hurt
Like, okay this is a stretch
But, it's like--
They have their environment
And we have ours
And it's like--
All you really risk
By interacting
Is contaminating
The joint environments
Like, we're the National Geographic squad
With our cameras and shit
And they're the zebras
And we just, like
It's like don't fuck with the zebras, you know?
We just shouldn't fuck with the zebras
It's why we don't interact
Not because we think we're better
Or we think they're less than us
Because they're townies or whatever
It's just that--
It's not a good idea
It's just a really bad idea
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