Hey, little boy
You look confused
Or confident
It's hard to tell
With dumb little twinks like you
The difference between
When they think they know something
And when they know they're over their head
So which is it?
Do you know you're screwed
Or do you still think you have things under control?
Well, let me fast forward a little bit
Not because I want to help you
But because I want us both
On the same page
Here's what you don't know...yet
You don't know that he shows his addictions
Just once early on
So you know you're there
And you dig in anyway
Because he knows you have a savior complex
You'll see the pot first
Then the pills
Then the harder stuff
It's a slow progression
But don't think he isn't doing all of it now
And strategically revealing it to you
Over time
So that you can never claim
You were totally ignorant
You don't know that one day
He's going to have a bad day
And then another bad day
And then another, and another
And pretty soon all there will be
Are bad days
And you won't even be able to remember
The last time you had a good one
You don't know about the temper
The tests you're going to have to endure
How well you listen to the same gripes time after time
How good you are at being a doormat
How many nights in a row you can stay in
And sit in someone else's misery
Before it gets to be too much
You don't know that I--the crazy ex-boyfriend
Used to be a normal, well-adjusted
Kind-hearted fool
Who believed people were capable of change
Believe me, I wish I'd had some crazy ex-boyfriend
To let me in on
What I was in for
Not that I would have listened
I would have rolled my eyes
Even more than you are now
But remember this
One day you're going to be lying
On a kitchen floor
Crying your eyes out
While he's passed out in bed
With a needle still stuck in his arm
Wondering what the fuck happened
To the last six years of your life
And I want you to remember
You adorable little thing
That once upon a time
To warn you
And you rolled
Your beady little
Fucking eyes
And maybe that'll be enough
To get you to climb off that kitchen floor
And stick your head
In a pre-heated oven
Or run out into traffic
Well, you get the point
Nice meeting you, little boy
It must be nice
To be that young
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