Friday, October 19, 2012

That Old Bay Moon Don't Know You

Don't bother standing on the docks, Cliff
I'm telling you--that old bay moon don't know you
Not anymore

You're an old man now
You think she wants to see you
All your wrinkles
All your bad news
Give it a rest, old man
Go home and die
Like a civilized fellow

You think the moon cares
That you came out here when you were a kid?

That you'd sail with your wife
When she was still your girlfriend
And pretend like you were going to fall off the boat
Into the bay
And she'd scream until you stopped
Then one day you really did fall in
And almost lost the ring in your pocket
That you were going to give to her
If she agreed to marry you

Don't make the moon try to remember all that
It was a million years ago

And you're only going to depress her
And a depressed moon
Can cause all kinds of problems

So go home, old man

Don't throw your past in the bay
To see if it floats

Memories sink
Regrets sink even faster

You're just another crazy old sad sap
Looking at his reflection in the water
Wondering when he started to droop

Do you forgive me, old moon?
Old friend?

For getting old
When I promised I wouldn't

When I used to come here late at night
And jump in you

First with the guys
Then with my wife
Then my kids
Each time losing a step
Each time swearing that the water was too cold to swim in

I stopped coming by
Because beauty on a mournful soul
Is like a lit match
In a gasoline tank

It just brings up too much
Too much comes rising up
To the surface

That's the trouble, you know

That's the trouble
With everything

The stuff you never want to see again

Keeps coming right up from the bottom
To make sure you know
It's there

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