Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lamp and Twilight

We did the whole party out here
Top to bottom
Tom put this adorable little fence
Around the pool
And then had all these little lily pads
With flowers on them
Floating all over it
Like a little water-flower-lily pad garden or something
Pat was so jealous
Oooh, she got Tom for her daughter's wedding
And then the daughter didn't like any of his floral choices
Even though the man has impeccable taste
And after that he wouldn't work with them again
Not even when the youngest daughter got married
And Tara's a dream compared to Suzanna
So it's really unfortunate
But it works out for me
Because that means I'm the only one in the area
Who uses Tom on a regular basis
And you just know Gina would have him over there once a month
Doing somebody's birthday or somebody's anniversary
She's just so territorial about everything
Like when she decided she didn't need a live-in cook
And so I offered to take Marguerite
And she got so mad
Even though the woman was used to a certain full-time income
And couldn't go part-time like Gina wanted
It didn't matter because Marguerite was HER cook
And so nobody else could ever have her ever
Which I just think is insane
Because--Well, because it is!
But you can't reason with Gina
Because she has that old world mentality
Where everything is either unconditional praise
Or a venial insult
And so communication becomes nearly impossible
And you just always feel like you're talking to this, you know, sort of mask
This mask of a person
And the person behind it is--well, who knows?
I mean, who can say?
She's had that mask on since I've known her
Of course, her mother was exactly the same way
God rest her soul--but goodness that woman was a handful
I remember her coming over here one day
Taking one look at the pool and saying--
'Oh, the traditional circle.  How lovely.'
As if a circular pool was some vestige of antique living!
But of course, Gina has a kidney-shaped pool
But, like anything else, it was just a rage, a fad, and now--
Kidney-shapes are so seventies, very retro, but not quite in-vinage
And the tradition--the circular--holds up, stays true
AND--always fits into Tom's design plan
When we do outdoor parties
And he told me that doing Gina's outdoor functions
Was a nightmare
And it was probably because of that kidney-shaped pool
Creating an awkward working space

That's my opinion anyway
But yes, the party was wonderful
Thank you for asking

Isn't it nice to just sit out here and talk?

That's my favorite thing
About being back here

The lamp, and the twilight
And the ever-present

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