Wednesday, June 30, 2010

People Magazine

Oooohhhh Nico, look at that mess

What's her name?

The girl from the movie
About the pottery circle

What was it called?

Right, 'The Pottery Circle'

She was so sweet in that movie
Now she's a whore

Look at her!

Kissing that other girl

She's not gay, Nico
C'mon, don't you know one
When you see one?

She's just looking for attention
She's an attention 'whore'

I should show this to Aaron's friend George

He loves Tina Max

Marks, whatever

The whore

No, Nico, I don't think she liked it

You can tell
She doesn't like it

She might as well be kissing a bookcase
She's not into it at all

I know what it looks like
When it

. . . . .

Okay, fine



Of course

Where else?

College...and high school

...And the night of graduation...from college...

So, post-college, I guess

And a couple of weeks ago
At the bachelorette party

It's just something...I feel like doing
Every once in awhile

It doesn't make know

I'm still straight
I still like guys

Of course, Aaron doesn't know
He would--

God, I know what he'd do

He's not like George
He's not--into that sort of thing

One time I joked around
And offered him a threeway

It was a joke!

I wasn't--

Anyway, he got all turned off

Then he looked okay for a second
And he said--

'Wait, you and me and another guy?'

And I realized why he was worried
And I said--

'No, you and me and a girl'

And then he got all worried again
And said no

It was really strange

Well, not strange
He's just...conservative

I wonder if my gay friends will ever forgive me
For marrying a Republican

What about you, Nico?
Will you forgive me?

That's because you're sweet

We're going to have to find you a nice boy
One of these days

You know, I've always wondered
About Aaron's friend Martin

I'm very perceptive about that kind of thing

And he had no father figure in his life
That's bound to do something to you, isn't it?


Oh, we're back to that again, huh?

All right, all right
What do you want to know?

Yes, they were all pretty

Just because I'm straight
Doesn't mean I'm not picky

They were all...friends
People I trusted

And I love them
And when you love people
Sometimes you just feel like...

Expressing that love
In different ways

Sometimes you want to hug them
Sometimes you want to kiss them


Listen, am I going to be able to replicate this
The day of the wedding?

Since you're going to be in Cancun and all?

Missing my wedding!

What kind of a stylist are you?

What if I have a bang emergency?

Look at that photo

She even made sure the light hit her just right
When she was kissing her

That's not a real kiss

A real kiss is about playfulness
And sensuality
And tenderness
And temptation

To, you know, do more

Than just...kiss

It's not just about getting in People magazine

It's about getting yourself
As close to someone as you can

Not sex

With sex, you go too far

With sex, you become something else

You have sex
And you become straight
Or gay or a man
Or a woman
Or a pervert
Or a prude
Or pregnant

And then you're really screwed

But a kiss just makes you somebody
Who wants to connect

And I like that

I like to kiss

And tomorrow, I'm going to kiss my husband
And nobody else
For the rest of my life

Kind of sad, isn't it?

I know, Nico
I know

And that's why
No matter what else happens

I better have

So let's get back to work

What a trashy photo

I'll tell you one thing, though

That other girl

She looks good

Pretty good

But hey

What do I know?

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