Thursday, September 6, 2012

That Might Be Cheating

Um, Bleet?

That might be cheating

What you and that guy
Who isn't Krorg just did?

That might be cheating

I'm aware it's just sex

No, no, no
I'm not accusing you of moving in with, uh, Splop
Or having little Splops
But nevertheless, something about what I just witnessed
Doesn't seem right

And I'm not talking about the fact
That you did it in front of me
Or, on a pile of Big Teeth excrement
Because what happens in your pile of excrement
Is between you and Splop
But I just feel like, overall
There was some sort of...

...Moral lapse there

For one thing, Krorg is at work
Killing bush after bush
So that we can all have salad tonight
And it seems wrong that he should work so hard
While you fornicate with Splop
Who doesn't work
Because he hurt his arm
During our arm-waving contest

That reminds me, I really have to come up
With new games for next year's Olympics

The question is Bleet
Would you want Krorg
To know what you and Splop just did?

Because I'm fairly confident
He'd hit you in the head with his club
Many, many times

I'm not advocating violence
But seeing my wife fornicating with someone else
Would make me want to club them
Heck, seeing ANY of my wives fornicating with someone else
Would make me want to club them

Even Janice, and trust me
There's days when I wish
Blub had bid a little higher for her
At the wife auction

Look, we've agreed there are things
That are only done
Between a husband
And his seventeen slave-wives
And sex is one of them

That's just our way of preserving
The sanctity of indentured marritude

Who knows?

Maybe one day people will throw off the confines
Of traditional sexuality
And just worry about feelings
And emotions
Without putting so much stock
In the physical aspect of relationships

And also, maybe one day
We'll invent doors
So we can finally tell
Knock knock jokes

But until then
We stay true to our spouses

Reflect on that
And on the trust you and Krorg share
Before you climb back onto the poop-pile
With Splop again

Honor your commitment, Bleet

Now, if you'll excuse me
I have to decide which one of my wives
I'm sacrificing to the gods tomorrow

I gotta tell you
It's not looking like Janice's lucky day

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