Sunday, September 2, 2012

Carly Gets Dating Advice from the Infant She's Baby-sitting

Baby:  The thing is, you're really making some bad choices here.
Carly:  I know.
Baby:  I mean, he really doesn't respect you.
Carly:  I know.
Baby:  Like, at all.
Carly:  It's not like he beats me.
Baby:  He beats you with his actions.
Carly:  Wouldn't beating me be an action?
Baby:  Actually beating you would be paying attention to you.  It's his lack of action that really does the most damage.
Carly:  Has anyone ever beat you?
Baby:  Carly, I'm four months old.  Who would beat a four-month old?
Carly:  Then how do you know so much about this?
Baby:  I was born into water.  Into one of those pools?  My mother is very New Age even though New Age is the new Old Age.
Carly:  Right.  Okay.
Baby:  But it made me very sensitive to people and their feelings.  I feel like you're hurting Carly.  Like this guy really isn't giving you what you need.
Carly:  What do I need?
Baby:  What do you think you need?
Carly:  Well...
Baby:  It's okay, Carly.  This is a safe space.
Carly:  I'd really like a baby.
Baby:  You can't have a baby.
Carly:  Oh, I know, because I'm only fifteen.
Baby:  No, because you're emotionally wounded to an extend where I'd feel very uncomfortable letting you take care of a child.
Carly:  But I'm taking care of you.
Baby:  Carly, you put my diaper on backwards.  I'd hardly call this first-class treatment.
Carly:  But I'll get better at that when I'm older.
Baby:  You can't grow maternal instinct, Carly.  You either have it or you don't.
Carly:  And I don't?
Baby:  You don't in spades.
Carly:  Is it possible to not have something in spades?
Baby:  It's the depth of the negatives that makes you so interesting to me.
Carly:  So you don't think I'll ever learn to love or be good at raising kids?
Baby:  I mean, I guess I'd give you a plant--maybe a bonsai tree--just to see what happens.  Just out of  a morbid sense of curiosity.  But as far as a living thing?  Like a kid or a dog or a fish or even just a bowl of insects?  I'd say 'No.'
Carly:  That's a really severe assessment of me.
Baby:  Carly, four months ago I was living inside another person.  I don't take life lightly.
Carly:  You really think I'd hurt my own child?
Baby:  Not hurt, per se.  I sort of think one day you'd wake up and realize you haven't fed the kid in a few months.  Sort of like a junk drawer you keep forgetting to clean out.
Carly:  I do have a really messy closet.
Baby:  You're not a bad person, Carly.  You should just never try connecting to another human being.
Carly:  Is it possible not to connect with another human being?  Like, isn't it sort of necessary?
Baby:  I don't know what to tell you.  It's like you're asking me if it's a good idea to have termites.  Not really, but they exist anyway, you know?
Carly:  Actually, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Baby:  I'm a baby, Carly.  I'm not always going to make sense.
Carly:  That's true.
Baby:  The point is, you shouldn't date.
Carly:  Okay.
Baby:  Or get married ever.  Or, like, have kids or pets or talk to anyone unless you're taking their food order or figuring out how they want their car washed.
Carly:  I'm starting to feel like you don't have much faith in me.
Baby:  Carly, I have mountains of faith in you.  It's your actions I have no faith in.
Carly:  Or my lack of actions.
Baby:  See, now I really feel like we're communicating.
Carly:  I should probably get your bottle.
Baby:  You were supposed to feed me two hours ago.
Carly:  Oh my god I--
Baby:  It's okay, Carly.
Carly:  I'm sorry.
Baby:  I snuck a soft cookie while you were crying on the phone with your boyfriend.
Carly:  Are you going to get a new babysitter?
Baby:  Of course not, Carly.
Carly:  Oh, thank you.
Baby:  No thanks necessary.  I could never have you fired now.  I feel like we're really making progress here.

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