I mean, am I jealous?
Do I get jealous?
The thing is
At a certain point
Jealousy is a choice, you know?
I mean, you really have to choose
I mean, at a certain age
Point, certain point
You have to decide
To be jealous
And you know, I just got to this point
Where, uh, it was something
I didn't even think about
You know, every fifth night
Darren is with me
And, as part of this arrangement
That's what I've, you know, agreed to
And so, no, I'm not jealous
I mean, was I--ever?
Um, not of every other wife
I mean, some of them are--
Well, the thing is
I don't think of all of them...sexually
I mean, I don't think of any of them sexually
But in terms of actually picturing them
Having sex with Darren
I just...it's just...no, I don't think of that
So it's hard to get jealous
Because, you know
I'm not lying awake in bed at night
Thinking about what's going on
Two doors down with certain people
You know?
I just don't think about it
Because, well, okay
The first wife
A...uh...well...larger, um, woman
She's large
So, I mean, I think about her
And Darren, my husband
And, uh, well, I can't really feel jealous
Because I can't actually picture...
So then obviously
I can't be mad about it, you know?
And then Darren comes to, you know
My bed--on my night
The night I have with him
And my night is usually right after the first wife's night
And so Darren usually comes to bed
And he's all--you know--this relief
Like, oh thank God, a normal woman
And so I really feel fine about the whole thing
--Is where I'm going with this
I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?
Like the initial question was--
Do I get--
The short answer is--No
I don't
I choose not to
Because she really is large
I mean, I'm not trying to be cruel or anything
But, yes, very much--yeah
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