It's bluegrass music
Caught up in light
Broken to pieces
And reset as a star
Don't you hear the twang?
Bluegrass, right?
And that one--
It's gospel music
Sung by coyotes
Reaching up into skies
So far away
We can't even see them
We can just see light
From the celestial fireballs
Bouncing off them
They're not really stars
They're better than stars
They're coyote stars
They're stars you sit under
On a night in March
When it's freezing back East
And you're sitting in a desert
Wondering if you're as high as you think you are
Or just really, really, really in touch with yourself
Woo hoo, Jesus
Why are we in our underwear?
And why am I not uncomfortable
About the fact
That we're in our underwear?
And why is the idea of my belly button
Suddenly so fascinating to me?
See that?
That's the La Gaya de Fuevo
It means 'He Who Loves the Waves'
In Ancient Aztec
No, that's total bullshit
But it sounds amazing, right?
I wish I could feel like this all the time
I'd never work
And I'd eat constantly
And I'd fuck anything with hair
But man, I'd be happy
And comfortable
And cool
And consistently amazed
By the world around me
I'd see the coyote stars
For coyote stars
Can only be seen
In our current condition
Tis their defense mechanism
Against insincere people
Peepiola, La Gaya de Fuevo
See? Now I hear a mariachi band
And it's rising
And it's going
Into the galaxy
Where it will be forever changed
By the gasses in the universe
And mutate into something eternal
A star
A brand new coyote star
And it will be howled at
By young lovers in underwear
Under a blanket
In the desert
Waiting for their friends to sober up
So they can go back to the campsite
And start to feel shame again
But until then
We'll tan ourselves
Using the light
Of the coyote stars
And carry this feeling back with us
Hiding right beneath our skin
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