That over there
That is the Woo Woo machine
It makes Woo Woo
Very expensive
Verrrrryyyy expensive
And worth it
I tell you
Very worth it
Woo Woo, you go
Exciting stuff
Oh! New customer!
Welcome to Paulina's Palace of Porn
You are very excited to be here
You smell like crackerjacks
That means you're honest
Have a candy bar
They're shaped like booshnita
You like booshnita?
Good, otherwise you are the gay
And if you are the gay
I have to go get special box
From top shelf in back room
And that is pain for my ass
Plus all that stuff costs more
You are better off
Liking booshnita
You looking at Kinky Korner?
Paulina's Kinky Korner?
You are SICK
Get out of my store
Everybody that comes here
Is big time pervert
I have Kinky Korner
So that I may know
Who the perverts are
And every time
They are drawn to it
Like a political prisoner
To an electric fence
Oh! New customer!
Girls are welcome
Do not be afraid
Embrace sexuality
Like progressive slut
All sluts welcome here
I do not judge you
For your promiscuity
And your disease-ridden booshnita
Do you like pinunu?
Or other filthy booshnita
Like yours?
Because if you like other booshnita
I have to go get special box in the back
And it is the same shelf
As the box for the boys
Who like other pinunu
Except it's more expensive
Because sluts who like booshnita are delicate flowers
That frat boys pay more to watch
Or maybe you just like Woo Woo?
We have small Woo Woo, big Woo Woo
And Come-to-Jesus Woo Woo
Named after its inventor
A minister's wife
From state of Georgia
CTJ Woo Woo has made women
Quit their jobs
And leave their husbands
It is veryyyyyyyy expensive
And veryyyyyyy worth it
Veryyyyyyyy expensive
Veryyyyyyyy worth it
Exciting stuff
We don't have many vidjo's
None, no vidjo's
So dirty, the covers
I couldn't look at them
Instead I have audiotapes
Same as vidjo
No disgusting images
Much, much better
Verrrry expensive
Because I have to take all that time
Holding recorder
Up to television
While not looking at screen
Not interested?
Get out of Paulina's Palace of Porn!
I am sad I wasted a booshnita bar on you!
Oh! New customer!
What is your name
Exciting new customer, sir?
I'm going to have to get
Special box
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