I watched you eat
I watched you eat
And kept track
And kept an eye on you
And made sure
That you ate
And they told me
That you were hiding food
In your socks
In your folded up clothes
Underneath your mattress
I said this was something
I could handle
That I could beat this
And now I feel like
You must have thought
I was trying to beat you
That the war was with you
And not with the disease
In some ways
It feels like a possession
Like this demon got inside you
And I beat the girl
But not the demon
The demon just moved on
To some other parent's kid
I took out all the mirrors
I remember that
Taking them down
I felt like...
If I couldn't convince you
That you weren't overweight
Then instead I was just going to
Remove all the mirrors
I couldn't fix the problem
Because it wasn't physical
I'm not good with internal stuff
That's your mother's job
She's the shrink
I builds houses
You knew that
You knew I wouldn't know what to do
So I took down the mirrors
And I forced you to eat
And I thought that was it
I thought I took care of it
But there's always a mirror
I never noticed that before...
But there is
There's always a mirror
Every time we'd go somewhere with you
I'd see one
It was like a constant reminder
That this was something
I couldn't control
I used to want to carry
A hammer around with me
And smash the damn things
Every time we walked past one
It was like keeping you away from some boy
No, it was like...
Keeping you away from yourself
That's what it felt like I was trying to do
. . . . .
You can't imagine
How disgusted at myself I was
When they called me
I was at work
I was always at work
And your Mom called
And I was surprised
Why was I surprised?
Why, when nobody else was?
You were so small
You should have seen yourself
So small, so tiny
This little girl
And I wanted to hold you
And I couldn't hold you
Your uncle and your grandpa held me back
And I remember going by this mirror
In your bedroom
On the back of your door
When did you put that up?
Where did that come from?
I remember yelling
Where that mirror came from
It was like it was laughing at me
I swear I heard somebody
Laughing at me
. . . . .
Now I walk by mirrors
And I see nothing
It's like I'm a vampire
My vengeance for you
Is the removal of my own reflection
I don't see myself at all
I don't want to
I pretend that I'm walking by a picture
A picture with nothing in it
But an absence
Because that's close
That's the closest thing to me
Anybody's going to get
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