Aye, what the fuck?
Now I can't go back to Casey
Started driving there today
Started crying like a bitch
Cause going back there
Makes me think of her
What the fuck, you know?
What the fuck?
Used to go to Casey
Long before I met her, man
Long, long time before her
But now I see the exit sign
And my fuckin' eyes are tearin' up
Like I'm a bitch or somethin'
What the fuck, man?
Now I can't go to Deuce's
Which is retarded
Because that's where everybody goes
And now I can't go there
Not because she goes there
Cause she was always too fuckin'
High and mighty for Deuce's
But just because I drive into Casey
And I lose my shit
I'm a fuckin' basket case, man
Bitch turned me into
A fuckin' nuthole
I see the 7-11 on Natton Ave
I see the Brisby's on Tule
I see the diner right by her house
...I see her house
And I just...
It's fuckin' sick, you know?
Like this whole place has been contaminated
A whole part of my life
I can't hang out in anymore
Can't go back to again
This whole bad thing
Just spread itself out
Over an entire town
Fuckin' sucks, you know?
So now I'm not just gonna miss her
I'm gonna miss her and Casey's
And Deuce's and the 7-11
And a year that was really fuckin' good
Until all the shit happened
I'm gonna miss that whole thing
And her
It was hard enough just missing her
But you fuckin' man up and deal, you know?
So I can't go back to Casey
Guess I gotta find somewhere else to go