Wednesday, January 20, 2010

He Was Closer

You were brilliant
You were breathtaking
You were better
Than anyone
I'd ever had

But he was closer

You were a devastating reality
He was a vacation in my comfort zone

You were a dream come true
He was sleeping in on a day off
A day meant to be productive

You were a souffle
He was chocolate pudding
The kind where you lick the lid

You were rewarding
But he was closer

You were majestic in scope
Him I could keep an eye on

You were Scrabble
He was Shoots and Ladders

You were an atom splicer
He was a cheese grater

But you know what it really came down to?

You were two hours away
And he was down the street

It sounds stupid
But though I hate to admit it
Let alone confess it

That's what it was

He was closer

He was within my distance
In so many more ways
Than you can understand

Closer, that's all

That's all it was

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