-- I was saying to someone that whenever a show seems like it's going to be bad, the people in it tend to say 'It'll be fine' or 'It'll work out' or 'I have faith in [Name of Director]' when really what they mean is 'It'll happen.' Somehow, no matter what, the show will happen, and for many people, that seems good enough. This is inspired by that, got it? --
"It'll Happen"
It'll happen
It'll be a travesty
A horrific nightmare
Brought to life by demons
In the form of bad actors
Who speak as if the script
Were pasted to their face
And their body movements were being controlled
By puppet-string pulling orangutans
But it'll happen
The audiences will scream
They'll howl
Half of them will go home
And beat their children
Or perhaps they will discover
The true meaning of gratitude
Grateful that they only have to experience the production
Whereas the actors and crew
Have to go through it over and over again
Yes, they'll loathe it
And tell their friends
To avoid it
As one would avoid
A truck stop off Rt. 1
At four in the morning
But it'll happen
The reviewers will lambaste it
They will tear it apart
They will find new words
To say how horrible it is
'It was--flugurgin'
'It was--bopshepa'
'It was--plurz'
They will write multiple reviews
Not being able to stop talking about
What a disgusting event
They have just witnessed
People will frame these reviews
And study them
For they will perfectly encapsulate
How to disembowel a phony work of art
The reviews will be column upon column
Of bile and hatred
But it'll happen
The actors will smile
And say it's good
'Isn't it good?'
'I think it's good!'
'Me too!'
'I know I'm good in it!'
'Yeah, I'm good in it, too!'
'And that's all that matters, right?'
'Yup, that we're having fun.'
'Who cares if nobody else is?'
'Who cares if we're the ones who should be paying people to see it?'
'It's not that bad.'
'No, it's actually, probably amazing.'
'Yeah, because we're in it!'
They'll never understand
Why it's a disaster
But it won't matter
Because it happened
The way they say most of being a parent
Is just being there
In theater, sometimes
Most of it
Is just making it happen
If it's good, great
If it's great, fantastic
If it changes lives
Then you have truly
Succeeded as an artist
But if all you want to do is get a few good photos
And force your friends to shell out twenty bucks
And keep their eyes on you for two hours
Then shuck out false compliments after the show
Then all it has to do
Is happen
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