Theresa tries on lingerie
In the privacy
Of her home
She tries it on
While Robert's at work
The doctor's wife
That's her
The doctor's wife
But he's a pediatrician
Somehow that never seemed
As seductive
As being the wife
Of a surgeon
Robert always has so much free time
It becomes necessary
To fill the free time
With something
This job falls on Theresa
So she tries on lingerie
She normally just wears nightgowns
But that was before
There was a noticeable drop
In interest from Rob
The other night she initiated
And he said he was 'tired'
This was a first
An unwelcome first
A very unwelcome first
It would be the last
Theresa would make sure of this
She instantly regretted
Buying all the garments
With snaps attached
Rob had big, chubby fingers
He couldn't open a ziploc bag
Without tearing the plastic
She shuddered to think what he would do
To a tiny piece of laced
Fastened softy next to her exposed thigh
Then there were those articles
That were not meant
For women her size
Upon trying on one such brassiere
She found that she could only cover
One of her breasts
And that was using the ENTIRE brassiere
The bottoms were even worse
Trying on one of them
Felt like giving herself
A pelvic exam
Most of the pieces were just silly
Theresa wondered if some people
Found silly to be sexy
Rob wouldn't
He'd take one look at her
And ask if it was Halloween already
Maybe it was her fault
Maybe this all looked good
And it was just her insecurity
Thinking it looked bad
The stretch marks seemed so much more visible now
Than right after she'd had Kathleen and Christopher
Her skin looked pale
When you're young and you can't tan
Your skin is milky
When you're old it's just pale
And doughy
Even when she managed to lose weight
She never seemed to lose it
Where she wanted to lose it
Her breasts would shrink
But her waist would stay
Right where it was
So why bother?
And everything she tried on
Seemed to be meant for someone
With an impeccable backside
Wasn't there lingerie
For women
Who didn't like their asses?
Could someone make something like that?
She gave up
She threw on some old jeans
And one of Rob's big white t-shirts
Finally collapsing on the couch
Trying to sneak in a nap
Before having to make dinner
She awoke to find Rob sitting on the couch with her
Stroking her back
His hand warm against her skin
Underneath the t-shirt
'What's all that junk on the bed?'
'I was trying to become a sex kitten.'
'How did that go?'
'I found out I'm rabid.'
Rob laughed and lifted up her shirt
To expose the small of her back
He bent down and kissed it
Slowly working his way up
Until he was at that spot on her neck
That always gave her chills
Then he whispered in her ear--
'You've never looked good in clothes. That's 'cause they can't do you justice.'
Then he lifted her up
All of her
All the weight
And marks
And matter
And mess
And he took her to the bed
And they made love on the lingerie
All the silly garments
Becoming effective
And defective--unreturnable
And all at the same time
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